CHAPTER 396: you were late

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Yue Ling sat across from the man with mixed feelings inside when she heard his words.

Truth was, if Ji Jingxu was never involved, she would have never gone to visit Ghost Gang. After all, when she left City Z, she had an agreement with the few people from the underworld that knew her.

So long as they do not cross her line, she will not bother them.

Unfortunately, Ji Jingxu was pulled into a mess that involved Ting. Thus, causing her to return to the world she decided to leave.

However, thinking about Lu Tian’s words, she could not argue with him. She is now pregnant and any small mishap can make her lose their child.

Meeting his eyes, she nods her head.

"I promise. If something like this happens again, I will let you handle it."

Hearing her words, Lu Tian sighed in relief. He knows that his wife is a someone with great capabilities, but as her man, it’s his duty to protect her.

What kind of man is he if he cannot protect her and their child?

Unknown to the man’s thoughts, Yue Ling’s words did not stop there. She looks away from him to Inu.

Gently touching Inu’s head, she caress his soft white fur.

"However, I cannot promise that in the future, if something fatal were to happen, I will just sit back and watch."

Her words fell and her eyes slowly blink. However, when her eyes open again from that one blink, she was no longer looking at Inu, but to Lu Tian.

"I hope you will at least give me this."

Staring at her, it was Lu Tian’s turn to have mix feelings. Her sudden proposal quickly demolished the relief feeling he had, but looking into her eyes, he could only sigh.


He willingly agrees with her. Not because he knows that she can solve a problem in her own way, but because he will never allow such fatal incident to occur that will need her to act.

As long as he is still breathing, he will never let her come into any kind of harm.

Seeing that they have come to an agreement, Yue Ling smiles at him and continues to pet Inu. However, thinking of something, she looks back at him.

"Was it yeye who told you about what happened to Jingxu and Ting?"

Hearing her words, Lu Tian didn’t know whether to cry or laugh at this moment. After running into him in Retro, does she still see him as only a businessman?

A deep sigh escapes his lip and he answers her question.

"I was at the scene after you left."

Yue Ling’s eyes widen and she gasps aloud. Raising one hand, she covers her agape mouth and stares at Lu Tian.

Remembering what happened, she didn’t stay behind to find out who the team that arrived on the other mountain was. Neither did she order Liu Shan or Lin Hui to stay behind.

After rescuing both boys from Ghost Gang, she took Ji Jingxu and left Ting behind.

At the time, she did so because she had a gut feeling that the unknown team were good people.

Thinking this, she thanks her gut feeling then chuckles as she looks down to Inu.

"I see, so it was you and your team."

The moment she spoke the word team, she suddenly remembers something and looks back at the man.

"Tian, can I tell you something?"

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