CHAPTER 354: colorful dishes

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In the distance away from An Qing, Liu Shan’s black car can be seen driving through the streets of Imperial as it gets smaller and smaller. Inside, he glance every so often to the rearview mirror.

Ever since they left An Qing, Yue Ling had not spoken a word, but immerse herself into her own thoughts.

Seeing her lost in her own world, he couldn’t help but ask.

"Boss, are you alright?"

Yue Ling had her head turned to face the window as she stares blankly out. Although the many buildings continue to pass by, she was stuck in a daze.

She couldn’t help but think about her good friend, Chen Yifeng. In order to fulfill her dream, he had put aside his own dream to help her.

If she had not put him in the CEO chair, maybe he and Qinqin would have been married by now and were happily exploring the world together.

If only she knew then, she would have never allowed him to be CEO of An Qing. That way, she wouldn’t have been the one to separate two lovers.

Thinking this, her thoughts wonder to Chen Limei.

She could have humiliated Chen Limei in front of the cameras for the world to see, but she decided to give the woman some face because of Chen Yifeng.

However, even though she came to An Qing, it was still her way of giving Chen Limei face and not let the world see her be humiliated in such way. The only thing was, when she left, it was up to Chen Limei to decide on how she wanted to go down.

She could have kept her face and allowed the security guards to escort her nicely out, but instead, she chose to make a scene in front of her employees. There’s no doubt that when tomorrow comes, the headlines will be filled with her name.

As Yue Ling drifted into her thoughts, she was brought back by Liu Shan’s questions. Her eyes remained on the passing buildings but she lightly nod her head.

"I’m alright."

She turns to look at Liu Shan in the driver seat and she couldn’t help but ask him.

"Do you like your life right now?"

Hearing her sudden question, Liu Shan was at a loss for words. He stares ahead to the road and ponder in thought, but only to quickly answer her with his opinion.

"I love my life right now."

Yue Ling does not respond but faintly smile and turn to look out the window again.

For which, Liu Shan knew what she was thinking. As someone who has been with her for so long, he can sometimes read her mind, and this is one of those times.

He sighs and both his hands held onto the steering wheel.

"Listen. I am telling you the truth. I do love my life right now. Before, I was no one. Not just me, but everyone else too. Society left us and outcasted us all, but you found us. You saved us. You made us who we are today. Without you, some of us may be wondering the streets without a home if not dead somewhere in the gutter."

Hearing his honest words, Yue Ling felt a bit a ease. She is truly blessed to have Liu Shan as a friend. Not only a friend, but someone she considers as her confidant. Never will she forget any of the moments when she met him and everyone else.

However, he was wrong about one thing. It was not her who saved them, but them who saved her.

They gave her a reason to keep going.

Thinkinking this, she looks away from the window and rest her head on the backseat. Her eyes slowly close as she decides to rest for a bit.

However, just when her eyes closed, they quickly reopened as she remembers something.

Sitting up, she looks at Liu Shan.

"Oh my gosh! Liu Shan, take me to the new house. I’m suppose to meet Lu Tian there!"


Liu Shan shook his head and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. His boss had been so focused in her own thoughts that she had forgotten about someone. Good thing he had great senses and decided to drive in the direction of the new house.

Even he doesn’t dare to imagine what the aloof man’s face looks like at this moment.

As Liu Shan thought this, in the distance from where they are stood a newly furnished house. Its usual elegance is replaced with gloominess as if the clear blue sky above had turned gray.

Not only the outside, but even the inside was no different.

Unlike the emptiness before, the entire place inside is nicely decorated with furnitures and decors. It gave the feeling of a perfect dream home, but at this very moment, it gave off a gloomy feeling to anyone who enters through the doors.

The gloominess is currently being emitted from the direction of the kitchen as a tall dark figure stood menacingly in front of a long dining table.

Unlike his usual suit attire, he wore a set of gray loungewear with a white apron over the front of his body. In the center of the apron, one can see a pink heart with glitters.

Both his hands fists on his hips as he stares down at the dining table with a sulking expression.

Laid out on the table were freshly cooked lunch he had prepared all by himself for his wife.

There was sweet and sour pork, almond chicken, warm congee, eggplant with garlic sauce, stir-fried bamboo shoots and vegetables.

Staring at the delicious and colorful dishes, he glance at the wall clock and pout his lip. His head lowers to the right at his enemy.

"Why isn’t she back yet?"


Inu barks a response at the man as he rolled his eyes. His expression was as if saying, ’How should I know, she’s your wife.’

Doing so, he stood up and walks away. As of right now, he has more important things to do. Which he still needs to explore this gigantic new house and understand its layout for future references.

Watching the Samoyed leave, Lu Tian didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He lift his hand and pinch the space between his brows. Ever since he met the Samoyed, he can’t believe he is always asking the little guy where his wife is.


Just as he thought this, the sound of the front door unlocks, before it is quietly push open.

However, Lu Tian does not move away from his spot. Instead, he lowers his hand and turns to the open gap of the dining room that allows one to see in when they walk through the living room.

He place both hands on his hips again and stares ahead while he waits for this ’intruder’ to appear.

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