CHAPTER 285: let her go

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While Yue Ling is on her way to Imperial Military Hospital, at this time, the situation there isn’t looking too well.

Police cars surround the premises along with military vehicles. Each forces covering every inch of land as 3 military helicopters hoover in the air.

On the hospital roof is a crowd of people in uniform on one side, while on the other side is a man and a woman.

Amongst the crowd, Lu Tian’s figure stood in the front. His eyes at this moment shows no ounce of mercy towards the man.

He takes a steady step forward and put both his hands out to show he has no weapons.

"Doctor Xie, let her go."

He takes a step again and his words continue.

"Let her go and you won’t be harm."

Hearing this, Doctor Xie ruthlessly grabs hold of the woman to cover him and points a gun at her temple.

"One more step and I’m going to blow her head!!"

He is scared and nervous. He has killed many people, but never has he done it in front of anyone. Not only that, never once has anyone caught him. However, how did Lu Tian find out about this?

Earlier, everything had been going smoothly. He proceeded in putting the usual dosage of medication in this woman, yet, the woman still woke up. It was then that Lu Tian came in to the room and questioned him.

Out of nervousness, he accidently...

His eyes scan the many officers and soldiers surrounding him. He knows that once he’s caught, he will be put on death sentence.

From behind the crowd, Uncle Nuo force his way to the front, but is stop by a soldier. However, he yells out to Doctor Xie.

"Let my mother go! She hasn’t done anything to you! Why are you doing this?!"

Hearing this, Doctor Xie press his lips tightly together. Uncle Nuo was right, this old lady hasn’t done anything wrong, but... thinking of how far he’s gotten in his career, he press the end of the gun more on grandmother Nuo’s temple.

"Shut up!! Any move and I will blow her head!!!"

"Heh heh.."

From the side, grandmother Nuo giggles at the situation. Due to her illness, her mind at this moment is that of a 3 year who does not know what is going on. To her, this is rather amusing than dangerous.

Seeing this, Uncle Nuo felt his heart torn into pieces. His mother who is already diagnose with Alzheimer has now become more ill.

The entire time when she was in a coma, he never left her side. If he did, his wife or daughter would be in the room. However, in the morning his mother had suddenly woke up. Due to him being the only one there, he had to leave her alone and went to call Doctor Dong. When he came back, he found his mother had left the room. In search for his mother, he accidently ran into Lu Tian, who turned out to be chasing after Doctor Xie who had his mother at gun point. Out of fear, he called Yue Ling to inform her of the situation and follow after Lu Tian who is chasing Doctor Xie to the roof.

Looking at his childlike mother, Uncle Nuo’s eyes begin to tear up, but he holds it in. He force a smile and calls out to his mother.

"Mother, don’t move. Stay still. If you listen, Xiu Ying will take you to eat tangyuan."

Hearing her son’s comforting voice, grandmother Nuo smiles like a child and nod her head. She covers her mouth to stop her giggling and listens to her son.

Seeing this, uncle Nuo breathes a sigh of relief. He looks at his mother and worry fill his eyes again. No one knows if his mother will actually remain still. Any minute, the situation can change.

Lu Tian proceed in another step forward. His hands still slightly up. The expression on his face is of one who is not worry. However, one can see that he is ready to kill Doctor Xie if any harm happens to grandmother Nuo.

"Doctor Xie, you are surrounded by the police and the military forces. Cooperate and no one will get hurt."

Standing a few feet behind Lu Tian, another man much older takes a step forward. He also put both his hands up to reassure that he has no weapon.

"Doctor Xie, you are a doctor. As a doctor, you would never harm your patients. Look at the situation, are you really planning to harm one of your patients?"

"General Ji be careful."

A soldiers calls out after the old man using a low voice. He is worried for the General’s safetly, but seeing that the old man is calm, he sighs a relief. He quickly looks back to Doctor Xie.

Old man Ji nod his head to the soldier, then looks back at Doctor Xie.

"Doctor Xie, you don’t have to make the situation harder. Do as we say and let grandmother Nuo go. She is innocent in all of this."

Looking at all the people in uniform surrounding him, Doctor Xie press his lip tightly together. He gulp with difficulty and he looks for a way out.

Quickly looking away to the edge of the roof, he sees how high he is and chills sent his body shivering.

If he jumps from where he is, there is no way he will survive the fall, however.... looking back at the people surrounding him, nervousness took over the chills.

If he surrenders himself and go to prison, his family will be shame because of him. His daughter still hasn’t gotten married.... No one would want to marry the daughter of a criminal.

As he thinks of what to do, he slowly take steps back, his figure moving closer to the edge of the roof while pulling grandmother Nuo with him.

"Any one of you move closer and I will shoot her!"

Seeing Doctor Xie’s movement, Lu Tian and Old man Ji give each other a quick glance. Both men knew what Doctor Xie plans to do. The man is not going to surrender.

Old man Ji calmly takes a step forward.

"Doctor Xie, let her go. She is fine now. Let her go and everything can be overlook."

Doctor Xie howls a sinister laugh at Old man Ji’s words. He no longer looked like a righteous doctor, instead he has turn into a crazy man and pushes grandmother Nuo to the ground.

There is no way he is going to turn himself in. He is not going to prison.

Seeing this, Lu Tian’s eyes narrow and his hand move towards his back. He pulls out a gun and swiftly aims the gun at Doctor Xie.

At the same, before grandmother Nuo’s body could touch the ground, Doctor Xie points the gun at grandmother Nuo and pulls the trigger.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


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