CHAPTER 240: Amituofo

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Arriving at Imperial Military Hospital, Lu Tian steps out of the car. His aura at this moment was no longer murderous.


A voice suddenly calls out to him and he looks to the person. Seeing who it is, he nods his head.

"Jiang Yu."

"Ready at your command, Captain!"

Like the perfect team they are, Jiang Yu and the men from Team A and C of Wolf Team lined up in formation. Every one of them wore the same uniform in all black.

Lu Tian turn to face his men, "Scatter out and secure the premises. Report any suspicious movements."

"Yes, Captain!"

Giving his command, Lu Tian heads in the direction of the hospital entrance with Xu Long following behind. As he walks away, Wolf Team split up into two's and scout the area. Each individual on guard.

Entering the hospital, the head doctor greets Lu Tian upon arrival.

"Mr. Lu."

Lu Tian nods his head in greeting, "How is my brother?"

"He was brought here on time for us to save him. Not too long ago, he woke up."


The doctor leads Lu Tian and Xu Long to the room Lu Han is resting in. He sighed in relief as nothing bad happened. If any harm did happen to Lu Han, who knows what kind of wrath Lu Tian would unleash in Imperial.

Luckily, Lu Han was emitted to the hospital in time.

As they reach the third floor, Lu Tian is led to a private room at the far end of the hallway. Just as he was about to walk pass a room, the sobbing wail of a family could be heard.

"Doctor, didn't you say my mother was fine? Why is she like this? It's been hours and she hasn't waken up!"

The head doctor frown at the sudden words. He glance into the room to see a man arguing with one of the doctors.

"Mr. Lu, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience. As the head doctor here, I need to see to the situation. Your brother's room is the last one at the end, if you'll excuse me first."

Without waiting for a response, the doctor leaves Lu Tian and walks into the room. Although there was already a doctor inside, as the head doctor, it's his duty to make sure everything is alright.

Lu Tian glance inside the room and he frown. There was an old lady on the hospital bed. She had wires and tubes of all kinds attached to her. However, he felt the old lady looked very familiar, but he couldn't recall where he's seen her.. or did he even run into her somewhere.


Xu Long's sudden call brings Lu Tian out of his thoughts. Looking away, he takes a step forward and heads in the direction of Lu Han's room.

Coming to the end, Lu Tian opens the door and enters the room without knocking.

Inside the room laid a man with features similar to Lu Tian's. Wrapped around his head was a bandage gauze and an IV at his side. The machine next to him beep every second monitoring his heart rate, however, the man's eyes remain shut. Even at the sound of the door opening, he did not wake up.

From behind, Xu Long quietly gasp in shock. Never in his entire life did he ever think to see the carefree Lu Han in this condition. Just how bad was the accident?

Unlike his assistant, Lu Tian looked indifferently at his younger brother. Walking over to the hospital bed, he sits down the chair nearby. Lifting one leg, he cross it over the other making a figure four, the cross his arms over his chest.

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