CHAPTER 225: Toast to your great success

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The sky transition from darkness to the early dew of morning. The red double doors suddenly push open with three men stepping in.

In front was a man around the age of 35 and two big muscular men following behind.

"Boss, we've brought your brother."

One of the men spoke as he stepped forward. His right eye had a long slash from the forehead to his jawline that made his right eye closed.

Chu Qiang slowly turn around to face the three men. Both his hands behind his back as he lift one hand and wave the two men to leave.

The door closed and his eyes stare at his brother. After a long minute, he walks over to a small bar in the room.

"Li Xiang, how is your business these days?"

Chu Li Xiang slightly furrow his brows hearing his older brother's question. He glance at the young man then to Julia before looking back at Chu Qiang. Not sensing anything wrong or out of place, he smiles with confidence.

"Brother, everything is going smoothly. In two months, I plan to expand my businesses international. What do you think?"

Reaching for baijiu, Chu Qiang nod his head as he listens to his brother's report. He set two glass on the counter and pour each cup equal amount of baijiu. Slowly blinking, he turns around and walks toward his younger brother.

"Let's toast to your great success."

"Thanks, Brother."

Chu Li Xiang takes the glass and down the entire baijiu in one gulp. He smiles at his brother.

At the same time, Chu Qiang slowly drank the baijiu like he was drinking tea. He looks at his younger brother then his eyes move down to the man's suit.

"That's a nice suit you got on. Is it new?"

Hearing this, Chu Li Xiang glance down at his suit and his smile widen, "It is new. I just got it to-oooof!!"

Before he could finish the word today, a sudden intense pain was shot to his stomach with the burning sensation at his throat. He fell to his knee and vomit out the baijiu he had just drank. He could not understand why his brother would punch him. What did he do?

"Li Xiang!"

From behind, Julia worriedly cries out. She takes a step forward, but was quickly stopped by Chu Qiang's murderously glare.

"Are you going against my order?"

"No, Boss..."

Julia quickly answer. She bit her lower lip and her fist clench tightly. Chu Qiang is her Boss and the person who raised her, but the one she loves wholeheartedly is Chu Li Xiang. However, she can't defy her boss's order.

Chu Qiang glares at his right hand woman then to his so called brother. Turning to the small bar, he pours himself more baijiu.

"Brother.... what did I do?"

Chu Li Xiang asked as he stumbles to stand up. He wipes his mouth and his eyes turned red with questioning.

Looking back at the man he just punched, Chu Qiang exhaled in frustration.

"It's not what you did that upsets me, Li Xiang."

Chu Qiang place the cup down and walks up to his brother. His eyes stare at the man with mix emotions.

"It's the people you did it to."

Hearing this, Chu Li Xiang frown and he couldn't help but think about his scams against the family with the Alzheimer grandma. That family was the only family he had scammed for money because the grandma was always alone and easy to trick.

Yet, his brother punched him for this?!

His eyes glare at his brother and he grit his teeth.

"You mean what happened in Imperial? So what? I just scammed some people for money, other gangs are doing it too!"

Taking another deep breath, Chu Qiang shook his head. He never found out why Lu Tian came here tonight, but Yue Ling made her purpose loud and clear. It could only mean that the family his brother scammed is somehow connected to her.

"Return all the money you scammed from that family."

Not wanting to speak to his brother any longer, he turn away and stride out of the room. Even if he and Chu Li Xiang were not brothers, they were still step siblings. Except, their mindset did not see things in life the same. Stopping at the door, he spoke without looking back.

"I'm warning you Li Xiang, stop what you're doing or else I can't save you the second time."

The young man looks at Chu Li Xiang then he quickly follows after his boss. He could careless about the man because the man never did anything that deserves respect.

"Li Xiang, are you alright?"

Julia calls out as she runs to the man. Her eyes stare with worry and care. However, Chu Li Xiang ignored the woman and his red eyes glare with bullets in the direction his brother went. Clenching his fist tightly he cursed his brother inside.

To hell he will return the money. Those money are now his and his only.

Outside of the room, Chu Qiang stopped in his steps distance from the room. He sighed and shook his head in guilt and regret.


The young man stood beside his boss and he spoke out. He has never seen his boss act this way before. Whatever Chu Li Xiang did, never once did his boss give a care to it. Yet, this time it was different. Thinking of Yue Ling and Lu Tian, he frown.

"Boss, I've heard of Lu Tian, but who is the woman?"

Chu Qiang looks at the young man and he sighed again. He felt as if the entire day he had been doing nothing but sighing.

"Guan Li, you know more than anyone here that Lu Tian is someone we cannot offend. However, that woman is someone we cannot offend even more."

He had spoke the truth. Lu Tian is the one person every gang fears outside of the underworld, while Yue Ling is the one person they fear inside. These two people combine and they are a power couple that could rule the world.

Hearing the answer, Guan Li nod his head in understanding. He already knew from the moment he saw the two people sitting side by side that they were not your regular people.

If Lu Tian could make White Tiger's leader stand behind him, that meant the man is someone of power. Even more surprising is Yue Ling. Both Lin Hui and Qi Li were highly skilled people, if she is the boss of them, then she is definitely more skilled.

Suddenly, he thought about the tea and looks at his boss.

"Boss, what did Julia put in the tea?"

Chu Qiang looks at Guan Li and he knew the boy understood him. Out of Guan Li and Julia, the young man was always the one who followed order.


"Poison?" Guan Li frown, "Didn't the woman drink the tea?"

Knowing what was on the boy's mind, Chu Qiang shook his head, "She is not easily fooled. It may have looked like she drank it, but she had long seen through Julia's facade."

Sighing for who knows what time, Chu Qiang continues on his walk down the long hallway.

"Li Xiang is stubborn, take some money from my personal account and send it to the family he scammed."

"Yes, Boss."

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