chapter 05💝》a victim-kook?

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Time skip to next morning.🌤🌥

(They're getting ready for go to shopping)
Tae:Aishh..bun..come quick.we're getting late.
Kook:I'm ready.. let's go.

(They get on to their car and drove off to the shopping mall)
At the car park,,
Tae:there's nowhere to park our car.
Kook:what would we do then?
Tae:we've to go lil bit far from this parking area. Let's go then.
Kook:can I get off from the car?
Tae:huh?but why?
Kook:I wanna visit here.. until u come back,I'll wait here. Is it ok?
Tae:as u wish babe.but don't go far away from here..I'll come as soon as I can.
Kook:ok! (Jungkook get off from the car and tae left)

Jungkook steps forward to see the beauty of the park,but suddenly he hears about 20 people scream out he slowly gets closer to seeing the sight of it,he got so shocked.bcz three men seem like mafias pointing the gun at a lil girl and a boy's heads..
1st mafia man:(to their mom)Shut the f*** up. If u want ur kids,give us our debt.
Their mom:How many times I said,we never had a debt from u..plzz.let my babies go.*she cried hard*
2nd mafia man:(noticing someone try to call police) heyy!! You f***er. Do u wanna go to the hell? if don't, throws ur phone away..
(That man flinched and throws it.)
2nd mafia man:If anyone try to call police,it'll be the last day of him or her.(smirk😏😏)
But Jungkook doesn't care at all.he quickly take out his phone and adjust the brightness to the lower.
Then he slowly dial the number of police station.they didn't notice it.bcz those mans try to get their debt forcefully using that kids.
After hang on with the police station,Jungkook make hear to police what those mafias saying at that time.then they tracked the location through the call & said,
Police sta:We're on it.thanks for your information..

10 minutes passed,they become so aggressive and say,
3rd mafia man: You're again & again saying can't pay our debt right?then see how ur kids beg for it.
Kids' mom: can I pay that much money.?please understand sir..I haven't enogh money..(crying & pleading)
2nd mafia man:we don't ready to see ur kids death..(evil laugh👿) (he pointed the gun to lil girl's head,she's crying soo hard) and about to shoot but,,
the policemen come and caught them. but one man try to elop from them, without thinking a sec a police man shoots him..he sink in his own blood..
Jungkook quickly take the lil girl & a boy from there and gives them to their mother.
One policeman: Is that you call the police station? Am I right?
Kook:yes!! Sir.
Same policeman:Thank you for being brave..if not these kids have to become a pray of those f***ing mafias.
Kook:It's fine sir..(smiles)

Jungkook's pov
I saw a man(mafia) stares at me knowing I'm the one who was called the police sta:... If he can,he'll me from his dark red eyes.
Suddenly my bear pops up on my mind.he'll surely searching me.So I hurriedly go back to the place that I said him to come.

Taehyung is searching him here and there with shaking hands & teary eyes. After for a while he saw kookie who is running towards him. Tae also run to him and hugs him tight with teary eyes..

 Tae also run to him and hugs him tight with teary eyes

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