Chapter 27💝》still hoping?

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Jungkook ask Tae to do it everyday which was Tae can't unaccept thinking Jungkook's condition.

After their little soul went from them, Jungkook forgot how to smile.. Their life was completely changed into blank life without a bit happiness.

Jungkook is still blaming himself for coudn't able to save their baby.. Tae tried hard understand him, saying there are no any faults in his hand..but Jungkook was not listening to him..

And He still hoping that 3'/. chance of his life..
So he begged doing it for everyday.
Tae can't control kookie anymore..

Tae make sure not to cry in front of Jungkook.. So he cried hard as much as he can in the office.. No one can bother him..

Again one night stands for their life.

After having a less dinner,Tae & Kookie went to their bedroom.

"H-hyung.. let's do it."
puppy eyes mumbled.

"Kookie.. I'm sorry. I have a meeting right now.. I gonna go for that.. Let's do it later.. ok?"
Tae lied bcz they did it more & more. It leads make Jungkook weak.

Jungkook glares at him for some seconds and...
"I know,you lied.. There's no meeting hyung...".
Kookie said but dripping out some tears.

Tae: baby.. plz understa-

"There's is still 3'/. chance to get p-regnant hyung. What will this be gonna right?."
He asked with pleading eyes while tearing & sighing heavily.

"Why can't you understand? If we do it daily, it'll affects to ur health.. why can'--"

Kook: I fu*king d-don't care h-h-hyung.
Please I want a baby... *crying his lungs out"
Jungkook mumbled in soft voice out of frustration.


"I know I were not to be a good husband to you hyung.. I-I'm really sorry for that.. not even can't able to save our baby."
Jungkook mutter in deep thoughts while crying hard in Tae's embrace.

"No.. Jungkook stop crying.You're not like that right.. Let's sleep.ok?."
Tae sighs deeply.

"I can't.. I don't wanna sleep hyung." *sobbing & crying*

Tae: shhhhh.. bunn! Stop crying..
Tae circles kookie's back to calm him down but nothing decreases.
So he had to accept what koo asked..

Tae gently kissed his lips as removing all clothes making both of them naked.

Tae start his sesson inside Jungkook.
When he did it, Jungkook curles in pain not knowing how to control that insane pain of his body due to weakness. But he didn't let Tae to know about that he'll stop it then.

But After sometimes, Jungkook screams his lungs out making Tae hella flinch who's still in inside of kook.

Tae: b-bubb! You ok?

Kook: I can't bear it up any longer hyung.. It's hurting... Ahhhh..
I just fed up with hoping through a whole week. What would I do? *hiccups*

"I know,th-that's why I said you...

But all of a sudden Jungkook faints on Tae's arms bcs receiving more pain everyday and each night...

Tae cried while hugging Kookie's unconscious body..

"Plz god.. Give my previous Jungkook back.. I missed his healing smile, calm & browny doe eyes and tiny nonstop talks.
He mumbled as stroking kookie's blakish hair until he himself drifted to sleep with Jungkook


This ff gonna end soon...
●Only one chapy ahead.....

Thanks for reading,voting and commenting..


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