Chapter 12💝》Accident?😭

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Hi cuties!! I'm back..😍
I guess,you guys don't mind If I upload yt videos..bcz I wanna write this story for you to feel..
Ok...Let's get to the story

Jk's pov..
I don't know how many hours passed,when I get back my head feels like almost blast in anytime.I moves my hand through my hair to get a reveal from the harsh pain. Then I feel some dry blood on my forehead..It's really hurting like hell.
I'm sitting on the floor in a pretty dark room.I just wanna run away from here. Then I slowly caresses my huge tummy without worrying about the baby.bcz I can still feel lil petal is moving inside me.

Jk:(to baby bump) Baby! Just hold on ok? Ur mama promise never let happen anything to my cute angel.
As saying I got up from there with my shaking and weak body.
"Oh I brought my phone..I can call to hyung then"
I take it out from the pocket and dial his number..
But I'm completely get shocked his phone ring on the table beside me.
Jk: w-what was that for? Is he o-ok?😭(I felt more weak thinking about him)

??: ohh!! Did u awake?
As hearing the deep voice behind me,I turns to him.
Jk:p-plzz where is he? (Tears escape from my eyes, I felt too weak)
??: Do u wanna see him?Then follow me.( said with a dark smirk)

He grabbed my hand tight and make to the way of a room that filled with a blur light.
When he loose the grip,my eyes roam every corner of the room to find a familiar face..but only can see is dark.
But suddenly my eyes caught up a room and I walked to the side of it.
.. I stopped when seeing the sight in front of me..I feel like my whole world collapse in a legs start shaking and my eyes dripping out tears continuesly not knowing how to control.
Eventually my legs gave up I knelt down holding my bump securely..

Eventually my legs gave up I knelt down holding my bump securely

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Kook: hyungggg (yells out)

Tae is laying down on the floor like a dead body filled with blood.
Flashback:- few hours ago,,
Tae reaches to the office after getting that call,but no one can see the direction of the office..
"What the--, are they trying to fooling me."
But suddenly my car crash on
something from behind..but my head bump to steering wheel so hard..that's happened and then he is here.
Flashback end.

They're still beating him like heartless person.
A man kicks his stomach continuously which leads him coughing up blood and yells out.🤕


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