Chapter 14💝》A coma?

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Dr:calm down Taehyung.. You should keep ur strength.

       Baby....   The truck was directly bump to his belly..due to much bleed we couldn't able to save ur baby. We're sorry..
      But if u took them to the hospital 5 minutes earlier,we'll able to save both of them.

   Tae's pov...
        NOO!! It can't be happen.
               I can't believe our one & only hope,our petal is not with us anymore. I feel like my whole world collapse in front of my eyes. Our hopes,our wishes that we expect to do with our baby  are vanished like quick of a wind.
             My legs are trembling and shaking from a heavy heart. I shut my ears not to hear anything about his death plus my heart my head squeeze from a immense pain, I knelt down & cry as hard as I can.

 I shut my ears not to hear anything about his death plus my heart my head squeeze from a immense pain, I knelt down & cry as hard as I can

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           All the people who around the area also started tearing up seeing Tae.
Yoongi pat his back.

Yg:calm down Tae! Plzz.. *wipes tears*
Tae: *hugging yoongi tight*  h-h-hyung our baby can't  *shivering* go away from u-us. He was so strong at that time when I talked earlier... *sobbs heavily*
If, I-If I could have brought him 5 minutes earlier,they  could have saved him. B-but I'm soooo useeless hyung so useless.. 😭😭😭
         Tae is imagining how his baby pleads to save their petal and crying in pain. So Tae started to blame and curse himself not to take care of his life.

Yg:Hey! It's not ur fault Tae! Don't cures against urself.right?
Tae:but-      ( tae got up from there hurriedly get to know about Jungkook)
Tae: H-how about Jungkook now? Is he fine? he, he is    in    a
His life is still in risk.. we've to wait until he get back his consciousness to find out exactly about his condition.
Tae:a-a coma? (A bunch of tears gathered more & more his red eyes)
I, I-
      He faints on Yoongi's arms coz of another sudden shock.. that was too much to handle for Tae
      They take him to a room and started to treat.. Yoongi always stays beside him like his own brother.

Yoongi's pov..
          I move my hands through his wet hair to give a little reveal to him and wipes his tears without disturbing him.

Dr: plzz take care of him. I never seen him crying this much hard when we met coz he is too cold person with a tight heart not caring anything more than himself..but now-
Yg: how can a person stay alive after heared bad news again & again.
Dr:*nodded* mhmhh..

Tae:Kooo *shouts* my koo..
      He try to get from the bed but yoongi hold him tight.
Yg: plzz Tae take some rest.
Tae: nope!! H-hyung where is my koo. Let me go.. *crying* he wants me..
Doctor plzz let me see him.. *sobbs*
Dr:you can Tae.. but you should wait about  15/ 20 minutes to take out the baby from his womb. So now he is in C-section.
Tae: (shock) C-section? For what?
Dr: your baby isn't a embryo to womb they've to take the baby out in a operation..
Tae:(the tears that was dry are become new again) Doctor can't y-you save my b-baby? *sobbing*
Dr: we're really sorry Taehyung, we did all the stuffs that we've to do.. but No use.

        He doesn't know what to to do except crying & crying..

Half an hour passed soo slowly in a silence.
Nurse:Doctor,this is the--
Dr: why did u take him to here? You know Taehyung is not in good condition to see-
Tae: I-Is  that my b-baby? (With trembling lips)
Dr:y- yes..  And he is a b-boy!
We're really sorry Taehyung.
Tae:(he locked the tears in his eyes which are about to fall and steps towards him.)

      Aww! He is like a real angel came from a heaven bcz he is that much cute.
His peach color skin shinning like a newly bloomed soft rose petal. Sense of the word he is lil version of Taekook. His rose and plumpy cheeks still brightening.
         Tae kiss his closed eyes whlie trying hard not to cry. He take him to the embrace saying,
Tae:h-h-hyung see, he is soo cutee like my kooo..

Tae:If he's alive,he'll play with me and smile with me cutely.Isn't it hyung?
Yg:(teary eyes)yes baby,he'll..
Tae: (he peck his chubby cheeks) B-baby plzz look at me only a once..plzz..Can't u do that?
       I'm soo sorry fluffy for not being a good dad even couldn't able to save own child. How, H-how can I answer ur moomy when ask about you..what would I do baby? I'm sorry cutie. *he hugs him tight*
     All get emotional seeing Tae who's talking with a dead body and
They haven't enough strength to stop him doing that.

Tae: baby, b-baby see..d-don't u wanna look at ur d-dada..mmm? *cries his heart out*
(Kissing his fingertips)
Dr:That's enough Taehyung! You should take some rest.. let me take him away.
    Tae turns to other side,
Tae:wae? Wae? No you can't take away..he is my baby?.. *crying*
Dr: he's dead Taehyung..plzz calm down.
Tae:Noo!! *hiccups* It can't be happen..
Don't u see, he is sleeping on my arms. Don- don't disturb him.. *sobbing*
Yg: L-listen, listen Tae... (he hold Tae who's crying mess)  Let's go to see ur kookie..ok? Give him to the doctor..he'll ta-take care of
Yg:yes baby!  (Yoongi signals to the nurse take the baby from Tae's arms before getting worse tae's condition)
          Nurse hurriedly leave from there with the dead body..At that moment  the tears had managed to stop earlier,began to fall continuously like a river. Tae looks the way until they fade away from his sight while tightly holding Yoongi's shirt with hurtful heart.

 Tae looks the way until they fade away from his sight while tightly holding Yoongi's shirt with hurtful heart

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Dr: If you want,now you can see Jungkook.

      Yoongi's pov...
           Tae look at me like a baby look at his dad for careness.. I ruffles his hair smoothly..
Yg: (patting his back) First you've to calm down Tae,If you wanna see Jungkook.
       After I said that he wipes his tears and get up from the bed.
Tae: h-hyunggg I wanna see him..
Yg:(nodded) ok, Let's go..

      Plzz tell me,if these chapters are boring then I'll stop write further of it.😕 I know this ff may be a worse and bored ff ever..😭😪

And plzz if u can vote for this ff.🤕🤧

Love u babies..🍒ummaaahhh😘🤭

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