chapter 15💝》go away.

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           They entered to the room that Jungkook admittted.

Tae's pov..
        I steps forward to my kookie with nervous heart.His lifeless body still covers with vires and different kind of needles.
     How hard he have to bear up this much pain I thought.

I'm sorry koo..really sorry.. *weeping out*  Why our fate palys with our happiness. H-how far I can tollerate his sufferers. That's ok it happened with me. But w-whyy with thiz innocent souls. W-why god whyyyy? *sobbs hard* Is this fair?huh?is this fair???  *crying*

 W-why god whyyyy? *sobbs hard* Is this fair?huh?is this fair???  *crying*

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      I held kookie's hand.
Tae:f-fluffy..plzz open ur eyes.. do u mad at me mm? Plz open ur eyes at least for me.plzz *cries hard*
   All left me alone such as friends, cousins even my parents.that's ok.. I- d-don't care.. but our baby *sobbs* m-y own blood also left me.. Now u J-jungkook.. whyy huh why? A-Am I that much bad?
      I s-wear if anything happens to you,I n-never forgive my ownself. Never ever.. plzz awake b-bubb.. *cries his lungs out*

     Some warm tears started to bream through Jungkook's pale cheeks even he is in coma

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     Some warm tears started to bream through Jungkook's pale cheeks even he is in coma..

   Tae wipes the tears which are falling from kookie's eyes & kept a soft kiss on his forehead

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   Tae wipes the tears which are falling from kookie's eyes & kept a soft kiss on his forehead.
   " I know you can baby & I trust you.. I know you're strong more than this f-f***ing coma.. (he yells out with a craked voice & trembling body)

Tae:(with red,teary eyes) They won't live peacefully Jungkook..The people who did this to u and k-kill our cub are not devserve for live..Obviously I wanna kill them.. I swear fluffy I never let them to live peacefully..
       I started to shiver from a uncontrollable anger.. I feel like anger took me from myself..

But again seeing kookie's condition he become helpless..
       He ran from there coz of not knowing how to control his tears..
      Tae started to throw all the things in the room out of anger..
Tae: (tearing up) why the f***? W-whyy they did this to us? What did my babies for this worse punishment? Th-they're soo innocent.. I can't let live them peacefully
Hy-hyung I wanna get revenge for killing my little cub..
I want to kill him plus can't let happen the thing that was happened to me..
I wan-

Yg:Are u ready? ( in a deep voice)
Tae: what?
Yg: to kill that bustards?
Tae: (widen his eyes in a shock)
Yg: Decide first if u want or not..
Tae: I-I'm sure that I wanna kill him..
Yg: ok.. I'll help you.. but you do not regret about this decision?
Tae:No I'm not... but h-hyung you--
Yg:shhhh!! You can't ask who am I why I want to help you until finish this..Agree?
Tae: y-yes!!
Yg:mm.. get ready ..we should start from tomorrow..
    Tae nodded but with super duper nevervous heart.

The next day,,,
       Tae is sitting beside Jungkook's bed all the day with teary but emotionless face.

The next day,,,       Tae is sitting beside Jungkook's bed all the day with teary but emotionless face

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        Hold kookie's hand..
Tae: Baby, I don't know I'll come back or not again. But I've to do this for our rose petal even didn't born..Is it fair Jungkook? Why did our puppy pay with his life? Why do u suffer?
*tears began to fall* I can't let happen this again to others like us..
      Jungkook's eyes starts to tear up.
Tae:*wiping tears* Don't cry my princess.. I know you won't let me do this.. but he plundered our cub from us,they gave u a lot of hard pain.. I never can forgive them.. I'm sorry angel.. I-I have to go.
I love u u sooo much..
       Tae hugs him and keep more pecks on his forehead..
Tae:byee my love.. I'll try hard to come back soon.. If I can not,be happy always ok? I love u forever..
  (Tae kiss kookie's fingertips but suddenly Jungkook moves his hand to grabs Tae's hand while tearing)

  (Tae kiss kookie's fingertips but suddenly Jungkook moves his hand to grabs Tae's hand while tearing)

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Tae: (he removes his hand with teary eyes) Le-Let me go baby.. If I can, I'll come to beside u before u
But Remember I-I always with you and I love u bottom of my heart.
      He hurriedly left from there before his mind change while let his eyes to pour out as much as they can.

      He hurriedly left from there before his mind change while let his eyes to pour out as much as they can

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Sorry for the short one..🙄😕

Let's see what happen next..

●who's Yoongi?
●will Tae survive to come back?
●Will Condition of Jungkook become worsen after Tae went out?

    Lovee u babies. See u soon in a new chapyyy.🍒💖💖🍒

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