Chapter 23💝》Last breath?

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Yoongi's baby shut her eyes & covers her ears from her tiny hands while crying hard sitting on the floor.

Yoongi rushes to her and take her to embrace..

Yg: shh..shhh. stop crying. It's fine my angel. Don't cry..ok?
Appa is here..

👼:appaaa.. *grabbing tight Yg's shirt from her tiny hands not letting him go*

Her tiny cheeks filled with bruises from the slaps she recieved by Rayan for a while ago.and still bleeding a corner of her red lips. Yoongi's heart clenched from pain seeing the bruises.


Yoongi smiles while taking the baby to his arms..
"How can I kill my little brother Tae?
I would never do that.."

Tae: b-but how?

Tae close his eyes tight feeling immense pain through his heart thinking about kookie.

Baby is crying hard due to endless slaps receiving by Rayan. Yoongi pause for a second and look at Tae & the baby at once or twice..
How could he choose the one between them?
The baby,his own blood or Tae who came with him sacrificing all the stuffs and even his love for him but not the same blood as yoongi..
Who should he choose?
Yoongi can't standing straight he feels like he gonna faint soon..
But the sound of crying,his blood start to boil out of anger and frustration.

In next sec,he turns to Rayan who is busy with hurting to the little girl and shoot straight on his head without thinking any second leading pour out more blood on his head.then his lifeless body laying on the floor.

~~~~~ Flashback End ~~~~~~~~

Tae: *verge of crying* w-why did you put this baby's life at risk for saving my life h-hyung? If something happen to her despite me I'll kill you h-hyung.. I shall kill you..

Yoongi smiles widely and hugs Tae tight.

"You're such a naive soul Tae... You deserve to live for sure..
Aishh..Don't be like a baby,stop crying now boy.."
Yoongi chuckles ruffling his hair.

👼:appa.. why ish he crwying?
She asks with a cute pout..
Tae: nothing baby..
As saying he kiss her forehead making the baby giggle.

Yg: Tae we've to go fast to the hospital. Apparently Jungkook wants you. come Let's go fast..

They're heading as fast as they can towards the hospital.

Tae's pov..
Why am I feeling immense pain from my heart?. why am I nervous this much about Jungkook..? Plzz god don't let happen anything bad to my kookiee.
He is soo innocent. Plzz!!!

Lot of tears begin to roll down from Tae's eyes.
Yoongi noticed it..

Yg: Relax Tae.. Don't get panic.. we're almost there ok?
Tae nodded but with a heavy heart.

After 20 minutes they arrived to the hospital.
Yoongi take his baby to his arms who's sleeping peacefully then
Tae & Yoongi rush to the ward hurriedly.

Tae enters to the room but hearing staright beep sound filled the room Tae's heart drops in a sharp pain.

Dr: You're late Taehyung,you're late. *sighs heavily* We're so sorry...

Tae shooks his head crying hard in front of Jungkook's unbreathing body..
"N-No.. plzz no... It can't be happen.
Plzz koo wake up."

He shakes again & again kookie's body who has nonsoul inside him..
All who are around them also get emotional seeing Tae tries hard to get back the breath of Jungkook.

But NO USE...
The machine shows a straight line on its screen depicting that Jungkook is not living any longer

Tae is crying and yelling to kookie to wake up..


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●What if Taehyung starts a new journey with Yoongi and his baby?
[ Do u like it or not? ]

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That's enough for today.. I'll update as soon as I can..

Thanks for reading...😘😚❤

Love yaahh all my purple heartuuu...

💞 🌸 💞 🌸 💞 🌸 💞 🌸

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