Chapter 09💝》Mood swings😜

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Taehyung wakes up by hearing sobbs from the washroom. He quickly gets up from the bed and rushes to inside it from the door which was half open.

Tae's pov..
Oh!!my poor baby!!!Again he's throwing up so hard while tearing..
I got soo worried about him thinking how hard he tries to get used to this new life for our little petal.
He did vomit every single hour a day by refusing all the food that I made or bought.and fainted twice a day in previous week.He seems too week..
I know this is normal,but how can I see him,my life like that.. I always want to take his all pain but obviously I know I can't do that..

Tae:(caressing his back to calm him down) bubb!! Plzz calm down..
Kook:*sobbs* I'm so tired hyung..It's hurting..*crying* (hugs tae tight)
Tae: I know baby..come,Let's---
(All of a sudden he faints on me,I'm not surprised except worried,, bcz this happened everyday that was spent..)
I slowly takes him to my arms & kept him on the bed rubbing his hands softly..
Evertime I asked about that from the doctor,he said it's normal for new pregnancy & it'll fade away after 1st month,but still not.
I sat beside him rubbing his hands & thighs..He seems so weak and pale..I kissed his forehead..
After for a while,he get his consciousness..

Tae:You ok baby?
Kook: yeah.. but my head is hurting..
Tae: that's coz u're not ate properly from last few days.. you should eat this as ur it? (Handing the bibimbap [korean food] )

got it? (Handing the bibimbap [korean food] )

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Kook: aaek.(🤢😖) I don't want it..plzz
Tae: but baby!! You're too weak..
Kook: Hyungg!I don't have any appetite..
Tae:(caressing his belly) Listen bubb!! It's not only you,we've our cub inside You should have to be strong for our little one.. plzz eat this..
Kook:our baby might be hungry right bear?
Tae: nodded.
Kook:ok..I'll eat for our cutie pie.. Can u feed me?
Tae:(smiling) of course princess.
(Jungkook swallows all the foods with a disgusting face.)

Time Jungkook having one month old baby bump.His nausea,throwing up and fainting fade away from him.Slowly he gets used to his new life.
But our poor Tae bear is suffering so much coz of koo's moodswings..
Kook:(Shouts) HYUNGG!!
Tae:(covering his tears) Wtf.? Why are u shouting like this baby? I'm here.Can't u see? Huh?
Kook:D-did you say I'm f***? I know u fed up with me now..*sniffs*
Tae:N-noo.. I didn't mean it.
Kook:give me ur hand quick.
Tae:but why?
Kook:Do I wanna say it again?
Tae:No,,I'm sorry..
(he stretch his hand to Jungkook and he grabbed it & bite as hard as he can)
Tae: "ahhhhh" what're u doing?

(he stretch his hand to Jungkook and he grabbed it & bite as hard as he can)Tae: "ahhhhh" what're u doing?

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