Chapter 28💝》~THE END~

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(A/N---> BIOLOGY IS RIPPED IN THIS PART...So Don't think practically)

11 months passed...

"Ahhhhh..h-hyung.. *breathing heavily*
I-I can't do that.. ahhhh *sobbing*"
The younger screams top of his lungs, out of acute and unbearable pain which was escape from his lower abdomen.

"I-I know bubb!! I know.. J-ust hold on a bit.. then our couple of joy will come to our arms.."
As saying he kissed kookie's forehead which was filled with sweats.. Tae's heart clenched seeing Koo who was trying his hard to give birth to their babies.
Yes!.. They're having twins but still don't know the gender.

Jungkook is trying to catch his breaths while crying as hard as he can when feeling the pain of tearing apart each and every inch of skin inside him even he has a weak body after doing it everyday.

"Plea-... ahhhhhhhh... It's hu-hurting *gulp* so badly.. I'm gonna die hy-hyung... uwwww...."

Tae kept his head on Jungkook's forehead while tearing more hard.
Jungkook tighten the Tae's grip of his hand as doctor saying let out a big push..

Jungkook shut his eyes tightly squeezing Tae's hand when the giving a hugee push to out the first little bean from inside.

As doctor saying "you did great Jungkook..It's a healthy boy" Taekook heart start bumping so heavily. And soon whole room filled with crying sound of the boy. They take him from there to clean his little body.
And Jungkook can take 5 minute rest until appear next wave of pain coming through his abdomen.

And Jungkook can take 5 minute rest until appear next wave of pain coming through his abdomen

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Tae: Just relax fluffy...You want some water?
He asked looking at him who's biting his lower lip still with a sore body.

As Jungkook nodded Tae gives some water and kissed his swollen lips softly to make him better.

Jungkook held Tae's hand when feeling tightening of his abdomen as trail of tears skip from his eyes continuously.

Jungkook held Tae's hand when feeling tightening of his abdomen as trail of tears skip from his eyes continuously

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As doctor saying him to push, he tries his hard to do as he said..
he had become weak after giving 1st birth,but he tries as much as he can. not letting happen anything worse to their little souls again.

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