Chapter 18💝》suicide attempt?

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Two days passed as well..

Tae's pov..
Me & Yoongi eventually killed other two only we have the main role Rayan.

But I feel so disgusting about myself nowadays.. what? I am a murderer of 4 men..soon 5..
No way!!! I felt so happy,when I killed them.but?
What kim Taehyung? Did you become an evil easily right? Jungkook won't forgive me? He won't,never.. he'll leave you..

I didn't see my koo from 3 days..I don't know what's going on there? Is he doing well? Or Is h-his condition getting worse?
I don't know anything about him.
Everytime I ask about that from Yoongi,he said that I'm not allowed to go there..
I'm in too much anger with him also.why doesn't he let me to see my life,my breath & my everything..
Why can't he understand my condition?

At night..
Time:11.30 p.m.

"Plzz.. Noo!!! Don't kill my kookie..
I promise,I'll never kill any person from now on... No wayyy!!! D-don't.."

" me plzz.. I don't wanna die.
Why did you kill them..whyyyy?"
He cried..

I get up from the bed while sweating & shaking so hardly...
It's just a dream but what if something happen to kookie..

"Why the f*** I agreed to this.."
He grab his own hair sooo tightly out of frustration about his decision.

"How I killed 4 men,how?
Omg..I can' head is hurting like hell.. I can't control this any whole body is burning..ahhhh"

He gets up from the bed and take a lot painkillers to get a reveal from his terrible pain for everyday...
That's mean he is going to commit >>>Suicide>>>...?

"I know this is the right way to get rid of this pain. Yes! Yes!"


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Meanwhile with Jungkook...

Hurry!!switch on the defibrillator..
They deliver a rough current shock through the cardioversion machine to restore a normal heart rhythm to Jungkook.
They try hard to regain the breath of Jungkook that is trying to go away from kookie's body..

They try hard to regain the breath of Jungkook that is trying to go away from kookie's body

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He is getting weak more & more after Tae left him..
This is the third time his condition getting worse plus they have to do the
electric shock.
Dr:ohh!! *sighs* I don't think we can save him in next time if this happen. He is losing his hopes even inside him.. Obviously It's not good.. The one thing I know is If Tae not come here as soon as he can, Jungkook will leave this world forever..
No one can stop him from now on except Tae. *sighs heavily*
Nurse: what should we do doctor?
Dr: We haven't nothing to do now...


♧Will they meet in,

No one knows.. So make sure to come here again to read the next chapter..

_______________ ⭐ ________________

A/N. 👀🌬
Sorry for not revealing the points that I gave you in previous chap..
I just wanna make high up your curiosity level a bit..... So I'll do reveal them in next chappy. I Promise..ok?

Bye byeee...

Thanks for ur votes & comments.🌼💜

& My reader babies crossed 600..omg.
Thank you Thank you Thank you sooooooooooooooo much...


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