Chapter 26💝》hope💞

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Two days passed....

Tae pack the bag of kookie to return back to home.

Yg: Are u guys going home right?

Tae: mmhmm..
And congratulations for ur wedding.

Yg: Thank you. But bcs of only my baby, I'll marry with him.. I'm not able to give the place of Jimin bcs I still love him..

Tae: I know hyung.. you'll love him and he too.. I'm so sure that Jimin will be happy too seeing you guys happy.. don't worry..
Yoongi hugs Tae as going towards Jungkook.

Kook: Thank you for everything hyung. I don't know how can I ended up thanking you..

Yg: It's alright koo.. but don't get stress out.. I bet Everything will be fine.

Yoongi place a soft peck on kookie's and Tae's forehead.

After 20 minutes,
they arrived to their home.

Tae: ok.. come

Tae wraps his arms around kookie's waist & slowly steps towards their room.

Then he make him sit on the bed.

Tae: bubb wait here,until I bring a glass of milk for you..ok?

As Jungkook nodded tae left from there.

Jungkook kept his forehead on the pillow but something is glistening a bit which was hung on the wall.
He got up from the bed,but bcs of his still sore body doesn't help him to go further except making him sit again on the bed.
He sighs heavily and look at the picture.but,
His whole body begin tremble out of sympathy,bcz the picture is non other than their baby who was lost..

(If you can remember,tae hung baby's ultrasound picture on the wall.)

Jungkook coudn't help not to cry seeing his unborn child there..

"I'm sorry baby, I promised you to save ur little life. But I didn't baby.I didn't. I'm the worst mommy ever."
He mumbled hard while let tears to pour out.

At the same time, Tae entered to the room but seeing Jungkook crying his heart out he got shock and rushed to him while knelt down in front of him.

Tae: ba-baby you o-ok? A-re u hurt somewhere? Let's go to hospital then..

Jungkook shook his head nonstop increasing his crying.

"If u can,tell me plz... why baby?"
Tae whispers to kookie's ears from the hug.

"O-our *hiccups* ba-baby,"

Tae broke the hug and look at him so worriedly while trying hard to control his own emotions.

"Am I the worse mom right?" He mutters.

"No, please don't think like that bubb..
Ou-our baby will born somewhere that is g-good more than us. No need...."
Before complete, tae burst out leading Jungkook cry more.

They cry as much as they want in the hug. No one can stop them from their sympathy.
Even though they tried hard to control, their body,eyes,heart does not support them. They cried together for whole half an hour until their eyes dry without tears.

"Hyung can u drag me to that picture?"
Jungkook asked.

Tae making Jungkook got up and leading some steps towards the picture.

Jungkook slowly touch that with a clench and heavy heart.

"We're not deserve for u baby.. I'll never forget ........."

Tae: koo.. relax.. You're shaking baby.. you've to take medicines right now..

After drag him to the bed he gives a glass of milk and bunch of pills to his hand.

After finishing up,
"Hyung I have 3 percentage to get p-reggy. So...

"Bubb... Its just 3.. It's impossible to get pregnant as well. Don't let ur mind to make hopes more.." Tae spat out.

Even though tae said that,Jungkook doesn't wanna lose hopes..
That's 3 percentage....
He believes it.

"H-hyunggg I wanna try out.. pls.."

"What the f*ck Jungkook?... you mad or what? We'll never get pregnant.. so just sleep..pls"
Tae shouts making Jungkook flinched and leave there hurriedly.

Tae got up but from a cough.

"What did I do in previous night? Sh*t"
Tae blamed himself making kookie alone.

Then Tae slowly approach to jungkook who's already woke up.

Tae: I'm really sorry baby. I just pissed off.
Kook: It's fine hyung.
Tae: but I don't feel you're close to me right now..
Mmmm.... ok.. let's do it then.
But u have to tell me every pain of ur body.
Kook: I'll hyung.. I'll..
Pls take me.

Even though Tae dislike to do that in this situation, he never can ignore kookie's innocent puppy eyes.

So they did it.. Every moves of their session making Jungkook whimper. He couldn't able to get all the things bcs his reproductive system is soo weak.. but he doesn't wanna give up easily.. Every pain stripps Jungkook apart..but he didn't say stop until Tae stop his own..

~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Only one or two episodes left...

♡omooo Thank youu soooo much for
1K+ readers....
I'm really not deserve for that..

♡Love you Love you Love you soooo muchhh my cherries...



After completing this story,I hope to write a psychopath Taekook ff..

Hope you support my loveliess.

....This is the cover reveal....

This is the cover reveal

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Top Tae..
Bottom Kook...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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