Chapter 08💝》negative again?😓

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The result comes as again,,,

        Negative.  😫😥

Kook:(tears gathered to his eyes hurriedly) Again? *sniffs* why is this happening with me? Why on earth is this hap-*sobbs hard*Can I never get pregnant? Why god why?

Jk's pov,,
       I takes it to my hands with clenched and heavy heart.
     "Plzzz... I wanna get pre---"

       But as a surprise a red line slowly appears beside the other line..

Kook:w-wait,what? I-is that real? Am I-I dreaming? OMG..🤩 D-d does it mean that I'm pregnant?
     (A lot of  tears dripping out continuously from his doe,bubble eyes out of happines)

      He stands in front of the mirror and lifts his hoodie.he caresses his belly so softly saying,
Kook:you're r-really here my fluffy? I can't believe this.. I wanna kiss u,but ur mommy can't reach u baby.. so wait until ur dada come..ok? He'll make u bath from a rain of kisses... I love u so much princess..😘😘
  In mind,
Aishh dumby,he'll not hear u,bcz he might be soo little..


A/P : Don't think this will be the end     of the story... Bcz This is the real start😶🙃...

Jk's pov,,
      I come outside from the bathroom with fluttering heart and sit edge of the bed  still can't believing what happened.
I become silent for 2mins.
I touch again my belly..

Kook: We've to go to hospital to check it out? Isn't it baby? Yeah..let's go with ur dada..  ohh!!! Wait.. Wait... we can surprise him,Don't we?..
Then Let's go alone only for this time right fluffy?
He'll kill me surely going alone..but I've to do that.
  (He giggles)

After 20 minutes he arrived to the hospital by a taxi

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After 20 minutes he arrived to the hospital by a taxi. Then he go to see the doctor.
Doc: hi..Mrs kim. How're u doing?
Kook: hii,, I'm completely fine doctor.
But I came here for checkups to make sure mmm A-am I pre-gnant or not?
Doc:(chuckles the way he asked it)
Ok!! Let's check it out..No need to get nervous Jungkook..😊
Kook: 😊☺
     After the chekups he's waiting for the results. For a while,
Doc: oh!! Here's the results..
Yes!!! Jungkook you're pregnant with just a one week old baby.. congratulations for u both.
Kook:(again my eyes give up to stick tears and started tearing up)
Doc: you ok? (Calmly asked)
He nodded wiping tears from his hoodie's  sleeve.and gets up to leave.
Kook: thank u doctor.. can I off then..?
Doc: of course..but make sure come on tomorrow with ur husband ok?
Kook: Is everything ok?(confusely)
Doc: of course baby,, It's just for some advice to ur husband..(smiling)
Kook: ohh!ok.. then see u tomorrow..
Doc:yep.. take care..
  Then Jungkook left..

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