Chapter 22💝》Surprise

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Rayan: *wiping the blood on his lips* I hope you to come here my brave boys.
*smirk* 😏

"Shut your mouth up"
Yoongi slaps hard making Rayan fall to the floor.

"You're playing with innocent souls right? And became thrilled due to death of them..don't you? Now ready to see ur own death"
Tae said with dark,red eyes remembering how Jungkook cried and bled.

"Omg, I'm scared of you both.. Don't kill me,plzz.. *mocking laugh*. Do u guys think I'll plead like that? Huh? This is my area,my place No one can win against me. And many of others came here like both of you,but they didn't go back from here.. Got it? *evil laugh*

"That's the problem. If they did end of your life, we would not come here. Then we still can be happy with our little family,but bcz of you It's shattered into pieces"
Yoongi muttered.

"Do I need to care about that useless lives of them?" Rayan asks with a smirk in his face.

Tae & Yoongi gritt their teeth & clech fists out of anger.

"Let's end this drama now"
As saying some men came from somewhere and grabbed their shoulders for not to move..

"Did u think,I would leave you for nothing?.I just plan a movie scene here. If so,let's start that." Rayan mutter with a smirk.

"Taehyung your love is going to die soon. But you came here to help Yoongi? Woow! What a damn bromance. Oh! You guys can meet your love in heaven too. I would help you to meet them.."
He laughs like a evil.

"Shut the f*uck up u bi**h. Don't dare to say anything about Jungkook."
Tae groaned while trying to loose his tight grip.

"No baby,I haven't to do nothing.. He is giving up himself. So don't worry he'll give up completely by leaving this world"

"F*ck, I said SHUT UP.."
Tae shouts when a lot of tears dripping out continuously from his eyes.

"Tae relax.. He tries to make u weak. Nothing will happen to Jungkook." Yoongi chirps to console Tae who's crying mess now.

They hear a mocking laugh from Rayan.

"My Yoongiyaah, I've a hugee surprise for you. Lemme show it.
Hey! take her to here.."
As Rayan saying whole room filling with someone's crying sound..

Tae & Yoongi both turn to the side of it.. but seeing the sight in front of them, both of their eyes went to forehead in a damn shock.

Yg: ba- bab- ( tears breaming out of his eyes)
Tae: Is-Isn't that ur baby h-hyung?
Yg: yes Tae.. she is my little girl.
Yeah.. m-my b-baby.. I thought she- *crying his heart out*

"Hhuwaeeee😭.. Ihim ihi.. emmo., appa.. where're them? Pweasee take me to t-
She start crying hard without noticing Yoongi..

Yg: shh.. shh.. b-baby don't cry plzz.. see appa is here.. *dripping out some tears through his cheeks out of happiness due to unexpected person*

👼: *seeing Yoongi* app. appaaaaaa!
As saying she about to run to Yoongi but Rayan grab her wrist..

👼 : I wanth thu gow..pweasee😭
Ahhh... appaa

Yg: eh,eh.. Don't dare to do anything stupid to her, I'll never fuc*ing forgive you Rayan. Never ever..
He shouts with rough face.

Rayan: *smirk*😏 You've to do what I say.. would you able to do that for ur baby?

Yg: ye-yeah.. I can do anything to save her life.

"Great.. release them."
As saying they let go to their hands.

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