Chapter 8

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The blonde haired vampire dragged the girl upstairs to a room so she could try on the clothes while the raven haired Salvatore stood face to face with the young Bennett witch. The silence between the two made the surrounding awkward as neither had spoken a word since Genevieve and Caroline left the room. Bonnie was about to leave but was stopped when Damon called her name.

"Bonnie,"the vampire called.

"Yes Damon," she replied.

"Ummm I'm not really an apology type of person but I know I owe you one so I would like to say I'm sorry."

"Ok," she said awkwardly.

"No I mean I'm sorry for causing your grand mother's death because of my selfish desire to save Katherine who wasn't even in the tomb. I am sorry for treating you like a tool and not a person who has feelings, I am sorry for always calling you 24/7 with matters pertaining to Elena when sometimes you need some alone time. I am sorry for my hateful comments towards you as well as the trauma I caused you and I'm sorry for everything else I've ever done to you. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me and maybe not now but in the future we could be friends," he said  genuinely.

Bonnie felt touched that he apologized to her as she too knew she's been through a lot because of the group and as much as she is friends with Elena and want to protect her as she knew it wasn't her fault she was born a doppelganger but she hoped atleast they'd allow her to have just one day where she can relax and not focus on how to ensure Elena is safe. So yes she felt happy that atleast Damon apologized.

"Thank you Damon and I believe we can be friends in the future," she replied as the blue eyed vampire brought her into a hug as he realized the witch was trying to hold herself back from crying.

Finally they broke apart and began  heading upstairs only to see a half naked Genevieve wearing a purple set of revealing lingerie about to try on a dress. Noticing the two new presences, the red head hurriedly place the dress on as Damon looked at her wide eyed and jaw dropped. He knew she was sexy as he saw her now unblemished skin after he fed her his blood again in the morning but seeing her in the dress which hugged her figure caused his pants to suddenly feel tight.

"Close your mouth Damon I know she looks hot," commented Caroline.

"Damn you look amazing Genevieve," said Bonnie as she walked more into the room leaving the once stunned Salvatore at the door to pick up his jaw.

Feeling shy, Genevieve walked up to where Damon was standing and asked," Ummm how do I look Dammy?"

Damon couldn't get over how amazing the girl looked and replied, "You look really beautiful Evie."

The red head couldn't control the blush that appeared on her cheeks as she shyly whispered a thank you but was heard by Damon thanks to his vampire hearing.

"Alright let's go love birds," said Caroline as she locked her arm into Genevieve's.

"Where are we going?"she asked.

"To the Grill," the blonde answered as they all went downstairs towards Damon's car as he drove them to Mystic Grill not before looking at his best friend's smiling face through the rear view mirror.

Meanwhile at the Gilbert house, Elena was looking at maps to pinpoint Stefan and Klaus' new location when she realized she hasn't received a text from either of her friends and hasn't spoken to the eldest Salvatore whom she was still mad at. She also wondered what he did with the naked girl she saw with him last night.

She decided to text Caroline and Bonnie where they were hoping they could hang out at the Salvatore boarding house when she received a text from both girls saying their at the grill.

She felt her heart sank as she was hurt that they didn't invite her to hang out with them at the grill but maybe it's her fault as she was so caught up in finding Stefan that she neglected her friends. She put away the maps and books and placed her shoes on her feet before grabbing her purse and phone to head downstairs. After reaching downstairs she spotted her brother.

"Hey Jeremy what you doing?" she asked.

"I'm heading over to the Lockwood mansion to sketch some stuff with Tyler," he responded as he walked pass her carrying the art supplies out the door before saying goodbye.

Sighing Elena just headed through the door as well because she knew she couldn't say anything to him after all their brother sister relationship is still not good. She tried her best to be there for him after their parents died but no matter how much she tried he would blow her off and hang out with the wrong crowd. Even now she feels if Vicky Donovan didn't die he'd been with her right now drinking, smoking and having sex.

The distance from her house to the Mystic Grill wasn't far so she arrived in ten minutes. Upon arrival, she push open the door causing the bells to make a sound signalling that someone was entering. After entering the grill, she looked for where her two best friends were and spotted them in a booth sitting with the eldest Salvatore and an unknown red haired girl which she recognized was the one Damon found. Not liking it she walked up to them where she could hear their laughter and noticed that Damon had his arm and the girl kneading her side.

"Hey guys and Damon," she greeted.

"Lena you made it, come sit with us," said Caroline as she scooted over in the seat to allow the doppelganger to sit with her and Bonnie however, she was shocked that the Gilbert girl decided to sit beside Damon instead. The Salvatore didn't expect the brunette to shove him over so not wanting to hurt Evie in the process his scooted her up off the seat and shift over before placing her back down beside him.

Evie was nervous being around so many people which was new to her so to relax her, he placed his hand on her waist and gently kneaded it which seemed to calm the girl down as she relaxed into him.

"Are you okay Dammy," a concerned Genevieve asked.

"I'm fine Evie," he replied in a whisper which was obviously heard by the doppelganger.

"So Damon who is this, your new fling since Andy died?" asked the insensitive Elena.

Gritting his teeth, Damon was going to answer the girl's snarky comment however Genevieve beat him to it by replying, "Hi I'm Genevieve, Dammy's bestfriend."

"Dammy?" Elena questioned.

"Yeah she calls Damon that and he calls her Evie," replied Caroline.

Genevieve knew all about the human doppelganger from what Damon told her and she was shocked to hear her ask the vampire if she's his newest fling as well as bringing up the deceased Andy into the conversation as she knew even though he compelled Andy to not share his secrets, he had a soft spot in his heart for the journalist and it hit him really hard to know she died and especially that Stefan killed her. He went to her funeral and even to this day would visit her grave from time to time while bring her some red roses which happened to be her favorite.

After that the table got awkward as no one had anything to say so Damon got up and decided to go order something for everyone especially Evie who apparently never  tried french fries before.

After the Salvatore left, Elena turned to the red head and asked with a snear, "So what's your deal?"

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