❣️Special ❣️

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Everyone was currently getting ready for the annual ball that the founders kept in memory of the elders from the founding families and so representatives of the each family attended with their escorts.

Jeremy came with Bonnie Bennett and Elena with Matt Donovan to represent the Gilberts, Caroline came with Niklaus Mikaelson to represent the Forbes, Since the death of Logan as he had turned into a vampire the Fells felt too ashamed so they disappeared into the crowd, Taylor was accompanied by Hayley Marshall to represent the Lockwood family and finally Stefan and Damon brought the lovely Genevieve Smith to represent the Salvatore family.

The crowd stared in awe as the lovely orange haired girl had her hands around the two brothers as they tried to hide the beauty of the girl from the lustful eyes of her audience.

"Oh I wish you weren't so beautiful?" said Stefan.

"Why Stefan?" inquired the confused girl.

"My brother and I don't like the looks these men give you and I do believe I am up for a snack aren't you Stefan?" said Damon as looked at the brooding blonde.

"Why of course brother," replied Stefan as he ran his tongue against his fangs.

The two brothers ended up receiving a hit at the back of their heads from the girl not amused about them planning to kill any male that glance at her.

"Hey guys," called out Caroline as the three spotted her with the others.

The Salvatore brothers eyes flashes with disgust as they spotted Elena who looked exactly like their former lover and her ancestor the vampire slut Katherina Petrova or Katherine Pierce her modern name. She looked exactly like how Katherine did when they first met her.

"So Elena should we call you Elena Gilbert or Katherina Gilbert in memory of your vampire ancestor," asked Damon earning a laugh from the group.

"Ha ha very funny," said Elena sarcastically to the older Salvatore. "I see your still with her," sneered Elena looking at Genevieve in disdain.

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