Chapter 3

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Inside the house was the friend of the blonde. A curly haired brunette who was cooking. Thinking it was her friend that was coming back she said," I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning."

Turning around she saw her friend trembling and crying as she wrapped her arms around her body and a man holding onto her as they both enter the kitchen.

"What going on?" the brunette asked.

"Please don't be alarmed, I'm told Ray Sutton lives here," said the stranger who is revealed to be the original hybrid Niklaus 'Klaus' Mikaelson.

"He's almost never here, he's mostly on the road," the brunette answered.

Slowly approaching the brunette he said,"I think he'd atleast come home once a month."

Seeing no one was answering he looked at both girls saying that's what he thought. He then turned his attention back to the brunette and asked," Where is he now?"

Seeing that she won't talk he threatened, "If I have to make you tell me, it will only be more painful."

Feeling scared the brunette decided to run leaving her friend who was still in the arms of the hybrid.

The girl ran to to the door and as she opened it she saw another man outside. Stopping in her tracks and trying to find another exit she was startled when she turned around and saw the hybrid approach her still holding her friend hostage. 

"I like it when they run," said Klaus.

Seeing that she was trapped, the girl decided to give him the information that he wanted. She told him where he could find Ray.

"He's at the southern border in a bar at the end of highway forty one."

He then turned to the crying girl in his arms as he brushed her hair out of her face and asked her if his friend could come inside. Scared, the blonde haired girl who was nowing sobbing said yes.

The blonde haired ripper, after being invited into the house opened the screen and took his steps towards inside. Walking towards the hybrid, he waited for his command.

"Make that one suffer as I will be going back to the car," said Klaus as he proceeded to walk out of the house.

Crying harder the young girl tried to beg the ripper to let them go however, all her begging did not help as she notice black veins appeared around the man's eyes as he ran up up her and bit into her throat. Klaus smirked leaving the scene as he heard the multiple screams coming from the two girls.

A few hours later a car pulled up outside as the driver and passenger came out of the car and head towards the house. Feeling his phone ring, Damon looked at the caller ID before hanging up.

"Was that Elena?" asked Alaric only to be ignored by the raven haired vampire.

"I don't know why you don't just talk to her and tell her where we are," continued Alaric.

"Andy said this was only a half lead so I'm not sure plus after our last talk I don't want to see her for a while,"answered Damon.

"Well there all half leads and I'm your accomplice ," said Alaric as he and the vampire started to look around the area .

Seeing that there was no one around, the decided to go check in the house. They opened the door and saw the inside was trashed and walls were covered in blood.

They continued to venture inside as the looked around only stumble upon two bloodied female bodies sitting in an upright position on the sofa.

"Oh oh vampire for sure," said Alaric as Damon replied,"Stefan."

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