jimin- diet

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3rd person's POV:

Jimin is receiving a lot hate recently for his weight. Okay okay, he is an isolated of course it's part of his job and of course he knew it, but now, it's just too much.

He looked always good and healthy even though these haters kept telling him to loose weight or to get more muscles.

Jimin was tired of all that shit and thought that it would be a nice idea if he exercised more and ate a bit healthier.

It all started by practicing two more hours and avoiding too much sugar, but, since he wanted to see the results earlier, he started eating less than normal; two meals per day (the normal is 5 meals).

At first, he was ok with that, since he had strength to keep practicing, but he was tired of the feeling of having to wait until he gets his results.

During the past two weeks, jimin, ate only breakfast and practiced for 13 hours every day. He followed his schedule and tried not to look tired after the practice.

"Jimin-ah come eat with us, I made Ramen!"Yelled Jin from the kitchen.

Jimin, who was in the living room thinking what he should do, replied: "No, hyung, thank you... um... I ate on my way home earlier, so I'm not that hungry...". He thought it was a good and smart excuse.

"Alright, but tell me later when you are hungry" said Seokjin and the younger nodded.

Time skip 2 weeks later

It was 2am and I was still practicing. I started this morning at 9 am.... I feel exhausted, but I cannot stop.

I have to continue practicing, just to become better. I need to improve.

They tell me to be perfect, so I try...

I'm tired to continue do I guess I will have a quick break. My stomach growling, since the last time I ate was.... well, I don't remember.

I stop the music and headed to tale my phone. I checked the time.... 02:04. Shit, Hyungs are going to get mad.

I quickly grabbed my keys and bag and headed out of the practice room, walking out of the huge building.

Then, I started walking to them dorm, since I had no car and it was too late to call a taxi.

Once I was at the dorm, I took off my shoes and walled upstairs to my shared room with Hobi.

I was shock when I saw Hobi hyung cleaning the room.

It's not that it's the first time I see him cleaning, but not that late....

"Hyung, what are you doing up so late?" I asked him

"Oh Jiminie, I couldn't sleep so I thought it would be a good idea cleaning around a bit.... where were you? You know the members were really worried about you."He replied as he sat on his bed.

"I-I was practicing and didn't check the time. I wanted to perfect the move and if you ask why I didn't answer your calls... my phone died and it was charging.... sorry for making y'all worried..." I said while looking down and then back at Hobi hyung.

"Oh okay, just don't do it again... you must be tired, go to sleep now.." He said in a kind of worried tone and layed back to his bed.

I nodded and layed on my bed as well.


"Jimin! Wake up!! We are going to be late!" Yelled Yoongi from downstairs.

I was really tired yesterday so I forgot to set an alarm... we have an interview in a few minutes and we are going to be late bcuz of me.... thats not good...

"Coming!!" I yelled back while slipping into my clothes and brushing my hair.

Once I ran downstairs, I saw everyone waiting on the front door, so I quickly wore my shoes and followed them outside.

"Hyung why are you always late lately? I heard you last night walking upstairs... where were you? Also you didn't have breakfast with us today, neither yesterday or the day before yesterday... when was the last time you ate with us?" Said jungkook while looking at me in a serious face.

I tried laughing it off but I understood his serious tone and said: "kookie, don't worry... I'm eating well, but since the comeback is coming, I have to practice a bit more so I'm eating at the studio that's why I'm not eating with you and the members. That's also the reason why I came home so late yesterday..."

"But... but if you are eating well and take breaks during your practice sessions, why do you look so thin hyung?" Jungkook asked and looed me in my eyes.

I felt guilty for lying to the younger but I also couldn't tell him that I skip meals and pull myself to the limit... he will think that im pathetic, right?

"Um... I don't know what to say here... well, kookie, it might be that I practice more than eating. I gained some weight lately and I try my best to loose it thats all... I do take breaks and eat well so don't- Oh we are here" I started but once we got there, I thought that by saying that we arrived, he would think that everything was okay and I'm not hiding anything.

Jungkook sighted and git out of the car along with all the members.

I stand up, feeling all dizzy..  I guess that's what I got for not sleeping well.

Namjoon hyung grabbed my arm, thinking I will faint. "Are you alright jiminie?" He asked.

"Yes hyung I just stand up to fast..." I hate lying, but I can't tell them the fucking truth...

Namjokn nodded and let off my hand.

--time skip, after the interview--

Jin hyung said that it would be a good idea if we ordered take out today instead of him cooking, but jungkook wanted to eat at the restaurant. That's what we did.

I didn't have a good feeling about it, but I followed anyways.

We sat on a table and everyone ordered their meal, I just ordered water, saying k wasn't hungry.

When jin's meal came, he offered me some Bork belly and I couldn't say no,  so I took it and looked at it.

The feeling if vomiting building in my stomach, I started eating the Bork belly bcuz I didn't want the members to think something of me. It's okay since I'm going to throw up later...

Later, I excused myself to the toilet, since I felt nauseous. I kneeled in front of the toilet and waited. Soon, I threw up, without forcing myself to. I flushed the toilet and  stand up.

As I was washing my hands I felt really dizzy and like I was going to faint. I ignored that feeling and started walking towards our table.

Black dots appeared on my view as I was walking through the tables and soon my legs felt nobly.

Then everything went black.

The last thing I remember is Namjoon saying to someone to call an ambulance and then calling the manager.

/time skip/

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was in a white room full with machines.

I looked around and realized I was the hospital. Soon, a doctor walked in my room, probably to check me.

"Mr Park, how are you feeling?" He asked and slowly changed a tube on my right arm.

"I feel dizzy and I feel my energy drained" I weakly said.

The doctor nodded and said he will tell the members to come and see me.

"Here he is Mr Kim" tye doctor pointed at me, showing to Namjoon hyung my bed.

The doctor started explaining my condition:" ....that's why he probably fainted. We found out that he skips meals." He stopped and looked at me. A tear escaped my eye. They found out... "He is going to follow the right treatment, we will inform you later. Also, he has to stay some days here so we can check on him. You can have some time together now..." the doctor completed and left the room.

I was crying. I couldn't finish my diet and they found out... I'm done.

Namjoon informed the manager about my health and mental condition and he posted on weverse the whole thing...

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