ot7- fire

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3rd person's POV

Bts were at their studio, practicing their last dance of the day, Mic Drop.

It was around 11 pm and it was a long day. After practicing for 10 hours, they were finally able to go back to their dorm.

They all goodbyed their choreographer, took their bags and left the studio. Then they took the van and headed to their dorm.

Once they were there, Jin locked the van and walk along with the others in the dorm.

"I'm so tired. I'll take a shower and sleep. Good night" said yoongi, already walking upstairs.

"Can Taehyung and I play a bit before going to sleep?" Pouted jungkook. Jin replied in a calm sleepy voice "yes, just remember to close the console. We don't want to cause any problems"

The younger boys nodded and ran to the console, Tae turning it on.

The other members, Namjoon, Jin, Hobi and jimin, split up to their rooms after saying good night to the younger members.

The two young boys played for hours before finally deciding to go to sleep.

"That was a good game!" Said tae, cracking his fingers. "Yeah it was nic- oh shit, it's 4 am!! Get up we need to sleep" jungkook replied, quickly standing up and leaving the living room.

"Oh right.... what if Jin hyung asks in the morning?" Asked teahyung, knowing that jin might be mad at them for staying awake for too long.

"We just tell him we slept earlier?" That was all jungkook could think as a possible answer. Tae just nodded and went upstairs with the younger to sleep.

In their rush, the boys forgot to turn off the console, causing it to heat up and start, slowly, filling the room with grey smoke.

Of course no one noticed because everyone was asleep. And the smell of the smoke wasn't that strong for them to notice.

Bad idea to let the boys play at night. Jin was right, problems could be caused.

After about 15 minutes jimin woke up feeling thirsty. He got off bed and started walking to the kitchen, which was right next to the living room.

He was sleepy, yes, but not that sleepy so not to notice that something was wrong. The smell of the smoke got stronger as the time passed, making the boy anxious.

Not knowing what he should really do, jimkn ran upstairs to jin's room to wake him up. Jin always said that if something was/seemed wrong, they should just wake him up.

As jimin was climbing up the stairs a small fire started to show on the top of the console, completely unnoticeable from jimin.

Jimin first knocked on the elders door, then rushing in. "Hyung, hyung" He said, touching his hyung's shoulder.

Jin opened his eyes and asked jimin "what's wrong?", jimim explained that the living room seemed smokey, but jin replied "don't worry, you didn't see well it was dark and you were sleepy... go sleep again jiminie, we'll look it up in the morning"

And with that jimin left the room, walking back to his own.

About 11 minutes later, the disturbing smell of smoke started filling the whole dorm.

Jin got up from his bed, leaving the room to check what's happening.

He turned on the lights in the living room, just to see almost half of the living room burned down.

His face had a shocked expression and his moves fast. He yelled "Everyone wake up! Guys it's serious!! Get out of the dorm!!!"

Jin immediately called the firefighters and ran upstairs to opened wide Everyone's doors and kept yelling to wake up the members.

He was successful, waking up all the members.

"What's happening?" Said Yoongi in a sleepy voice, since he is not used waking up that late at night.

"The dorm is on fire, get up, quickly!!" someone's voice was heard, fully waking yoongi up.

6 minutes later everyone was outside the dorm, the firemans also there.

2 firefighters checked if everyone was fine and 5 others helped with the fire.

"Is everyone alright? How did the fire start?" Asked one of the 2 firefighters.

"I think we are all fi- wait... 1..2...3...4...5.. 5?! Where is jungkook?! I thought we were all out here?" Asked Jin in shock.

He immediately started looking around to find jungkook, but nothing. Jungkook was nowhere around.

Jin told everyone to look around for the younger. Jimin started panicking because the fire was huge and Jungkook was missing. He sat down, trying to calm himself.

Hoseok walked over and helped him.

2 minutes later a fireman walked out of the house, holding the younger male, who didn't seem really well.

He was carrying jungkook bridal style, his face worried.

A paramedic came to check him, along with Jin and Namjoon.

Jungkook was unconscious and had some cuts on his face and left arm.

"What happened to him? Where did you find him?" Asked Namjoon.

"He was laying under some broken glasses, probably the broken glasses from the window. The paramedics will take a look at him. He's going to be fine" replied a kind fireman.

Namjoon and jin sighted and nodded, walking beside the fireman, worried for the younger.

Jungkook was laying down on the ambulance bed, paramedics around him.

"We'll have to take him to the hospital. His cuts are quite deep and he needs treatment. Y'all will follow as well, you need a check up, we have to make sure that you are all fine.

Jin nodded, "my arm hurts" He thought, walking to Hobi and Jimin.

-time skip to the hospital-

"... Jungkook's wounds were treated and in about 15 minutes, we'll have the results of Jin's x-ray. Everyone else is completely fine. If you want you can go to the hotel next to the hospital, we booked a room for everyone. Jin and Jungkook will stay here." A nurse said, walking out of a room with Jin.

"You guys can go home, I'll stay here until Jin receives his treatme-" started Namjoon but jin cut him "no no, you all need rest. It's fine, you can go"

"No, I'll stay. Yoongi, make sure that everyone is okay with their room. We won't be late" completed Namjoon, following a nod from yoongi.

As everyone left, Namjoon turned to the nurse, "Will Jungkook stay here for long?",, "No, if he is better tomorrow, he'll leave then. But, don't worry, he won't stay mire than 4 days" the nurse replied, smiling.

Namjoon nodded and sat back ti the chair, Jin sitting next to him.

After a while the nurse told the two boys that jins arm was broken and he had to follow her to a room to be treated. She also told them that they could see jungkook.

Jin followed the nurse to the room she told him about and Namjoon visited Jungkook's room.

The younger boy was laying on the hospital room, turning his head ti tye sound of the door opening.

"How are you?" was all Namjoon said. "It hurts a bit but I'm fine. They told me that I'll be able to leave to tomorrow." Replied the younger.

"It's good that you'll be able to go back to your normal routine in no time and the pain will go away soon" Namjoon smiled, sitting on the chair next to Jungkook's bed, to continue the conversation.

When Jin was done, he visited jungkook, staying in his room until the nurse told them to leave.

Jungkook fell asleep and the older members went to the hotel to rest. It was a long night that no one will ever forget.

That was a long chapter :)

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