jimin- depression pt1

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Requested by GabyMontoya515
I hope you like it<33

3rd person's POV

For Jimin, everyday seemed the same. Wake up, go to practice, photoshoot and sleep again.

He started getting bored of this world. What if life was different? What if this isn't the reality I want to live? Thought jimin.

Jimin's POV
Even though life as an idol seems exciting and full of happiness and love, in reality it's just an exhausting job.

You get no time to see your family, no time to rest or eat, overwork, always on a plane on our way to concerts in other countries.

I'm getting bored of this reality. If I could escape, I would be happy. Happy, a word I have to say in such a long time.

I was now getting ready to go on an interview. Putting on my clothes, I stared on the mirror. I don't look as good as I used to.. and I think I gained some weight I thought.

Then I brushed my hair, then headed downstairs to leave with the members after eating breakfast.

"Good morning Jiminie" said Seokjin, as he placed the plates on the table "come take a seat"

"Good morning hyung, the food smells great" I replied as I sat on my chair, next to Hobi hyung.

Jin hyung smiled as he placed the bowls on the table along with some water bottles.

Everyone was sitting there. Staring at each other, chatting quietly. I was lost in thoughts. I was thinking, what if no one of us could cook? Would we eat outside everyday? What if we didn't have practice everyday? If we got to see our families more? What if-

"-min... -Jim.... jimin" someone called my name. I turned my head to see namjoon, Yoongi and Hobi hyungs staring at me.

"Y-yes?" I replied to their calling. "Are you okay? You've been staring at the wall for quite too long. Didn't you slept well?" Asked Namjoon hyung.

"I'm fine, I was just distracted. I slept enough..." I replied, waiting for the food.

Food. A word that made me worry lately. I know I've gained some weight but it's just because we went on a tour and the food there was new to me... it also might be that im not practicing as hard as a month ago? No, I'm still practicing hard. Yes that can't be it.

But if I hadn't gained weight? Would they love me more? I would I be more cool?

Yes. I would be better, more handsome, cooler.

After eating we headed to practice. Then, after 10 long hours of practicing, I joined the members in a photoshoot.

The schedule was 7 hours dancing, but I stayed longer to practice a move I couldn't do. In an other reality it would be so much easier...

3rd person's POV:
Days and days passed and jimin was thinking more about imaginary worlds where everything is perfect.

It also started affecting his everyday life. He showed less emotions, he ate less due to appetite loss and distanced himself from the members.

It took quite long for the others to understand the situation the singer was.

It all started by the thought, what if.., he started living in his own reality, where he was an idol, others adored him twice as much as in other realities. Where he was happy with himself and the way he lived.

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