jin- not okay

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Requested by ki_namsope
I hope you like it<33

3rd person's POV:

They don't call jin 'mom of the group'for no reason. He cleans the house, cooks for the members, takes care of everyone. Plus, he works as a full time idol.

Even though that's too much, he pulls through easily like a professional.

It was 5am. Jin had just woken up, walking down stares to prepare breakfast for the boys.

He felt lightheaded, but thought that it was only because he didn't sleep a lot last night due to chores.

It had happened before so he wasn't afraid. He entered the kitchen and started preparing the food.

Around 6 thirty am everyone was awake waiting for jin to give them their plates.

Jin, who was now placing the plates on the table, felt his head getting heavier and heavier.

After eating, everyone got ready and went to practice.

3 hours after practicing, they stopped to take a break. Soon after going home.

Jin was driving the car, sweat running down his forehead, feeling his temperature raising.

"Is it too hot in here?" He asked Namjoon. "No, it's 21⁰c. It's fine, why?" Teolied the younger.

"Nothing" was jin's reply, his eyes on the road.

When they arrived home, the maknae line went to the gaming room to play games, Namjoon took a shower, yoongi took a nap and Hobi sat on the couch to watch his favorite TV show.

As for Jin, he went in the kitchen to cook some lunch since everyone was hungry. He took out some vegetables and Ramen to cook.

Namjoon, who was dome showering, went in the kitchen to drink some water.

Jin couldn't take it anymore. His temperature was raising, his head was ringing and he was exhausted from practice.

His legs gave in him,his vision bluring as he fell. Well, before he fell, Namjoon caught him.

"Hyung!! HYUNGG" Yelled Namjoon shaking Jin.

Namjoon placed his palm on the elders forehead, feeling the high temperature.

Hobi had noticed the panic in the room, walking to the kitchen. "Is everyth- hyung?!?"

"His temperature! Bring the thermometer" said Namjoon, picking up Jin letting him on the couch.


"I'll get him a cold towel" said Hobi walking away from the living room to get the towel.

After 2 minutes Jin had woken up.

"How are you hyung?" Said hobi

"My head hur- oh no the food! " Jon replied getting up but immediately being pushed back by Namjoon


"Yah! Don't yell at me!! My head hurts so much...  but I have to cook and-" when Jin started talking he didn't get to finish what he was saying, Hoseok cut him.

"Hyung, go to rest. We will cook and clean. And we will all help you around with the chores. I'll go now talk w the others. You can go rest hyung" He said.

Since Jin couldn't do anything and knew that they would do anything to help stayed silent.


After Hobi talked to the others they all agreed to help Jin with the chores. Jin wasn't as anxious and stressed as before and everything went well.

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