faking sick

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Finally an update,thank you for your support 💕

"Taehyung!!!! Come downstate the food is ready" yelled Jin from the kitchen, waiting for the younger to join the others at the table.

As Taehyung got downstairs, sitting on his chair he sighed tiredly. "What's wrong?" Asked Yoongi who was sitting next to the younger.

"It's been weeks since we had a day off. I understand that because of the album we had to do a lot of work, but now the album is published, we continue working. It just seems unfair. Can't we take a couple days off?" replied Taehyung staring Namjoon deep into his soul.

"His is right. We are all tired" jimin added

"I understand that everyone is tired, so am I, but the company won't give us days off, not even one. Things are still tight with the album, even though it's published. The only way to let us have some days off is us being sick... and I don't think this is possible since we are healthy af." Was Namjoon's reply to the conversation.

"What if we fake being sick?" Jungkook asked and continued "they have to give us days off if we are sick, you said it hyung"

"They won't believe us" starter Namjoon "we are good at singing, rapping, dancing, but acting? I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know? I played PERFECTLY my role in Hwarang. Should I show yo-" taehyung started arguing but Jin cut him of.

"Tae is right. He was perfect for his role. He can fake being sick and pretend to transfer his sickness to us. Brilliant"

"I am not sure if it's gonna work..." namjoon kept denying the requests.

After some minutes of trying to convince Namjoon, he gave in

"But it will be your fault if we get into trouble " said Namjoon

Taking his phone to call their manager Namjoon sighed.

(On the phone):
N- good evening, how are you?

M- good evening, im golfing, how about you?

N- well,i called to inform you that Taehyung got sick and he transferred his illness to Jin, yoongi and jimin. We won't be able to come to practice for a few days.is that okay?

M- what? How can they be sick? We are not even done with the events and interviews. I can't belive it. All I can do us give all of you a week off to rest and get better. Make sure they get checked by a doctor and get their medicine.

N- alright. Don't worry, I will help as much as I can. Bye

M- bye, then.

(End if the phone call)

"So? What did he say?" Seokjin asked. Namjoon pretended to be disappointed, but then smile and said:" he gave us a week off!!!"




"I cannot belive we got him" said Taehyung.

Jungkook by the time, felt his throat burning but he thought it was nothing.

About two days later, Jungkook was coughing and had fever. None of the members noticed as they were having fun not working.

As they were all sitting in the living room, watching a movie, jungkook started coughing loudly, getting everyone's attention. "You okay kook?" Asked Yoongi

"Yeah *cough* I am just fine* was the youngest reply. "You're coughing quite a lot. You sure you're fine?" Asked worriedly (?)Namjoon to receive a nod from Jungkook.

After the movie, everyone went to sleep. Around 4 am Jungkook threw up in his room. His roommate, Hoseok, got up and helped Jungkook wash up and drink some water.

Then, he woke up his hyungs to inform them about the younger.

All sitting in the kitchen asking jungkook why he didn't tell them he didn't feel well. Jungkook's reply was that he thought he would be better if he slept, but it turned out the opposite.

Not 10 minutes later, jimin who was earlier sat next to Jungkook, came downstairs to drink water, after coughing his lungs out.

"You're sick too?" Asked Jin. "Turns out I got the illness. Our idea turned into reality.." replied jimin.

-next morning-

Already two out of seven are sick and Hoseok is feeling off, turning out to have fever by the afternoon.

"If we inform the manager, maybe he will give us another week off?" Asked Hoseok. "But I already called him once. We won't belive us now." Replied the leader

"What are we going to do now? Our program is full after Sunday..." said yoongi, not wautung for the reply Taehyung gave "if we are really sick and he sees us like that, we will, for sure, understand our pain"

After thinking about it for a while the came up with a plan; resting until everyone feels alright.


By Monday, only Namjoon was still coughing slightly. All the members rested and finally came to their feet. They were all ready to continue with their program.

Thank you for your request 😁

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