jungkook- drug addiction

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Before we start I want to say that I only write this book for fun and not for an other reason.

Also I want to mention that I do not support all that drug staff.
Requested by: jfke638

Let's begin^^
3rd person's POV:

Jungkook, a 23 year old, had recently made some new friends. He thought that they looked really cool and wanted to become like them.

Let me tell you that was a bad idea.

They all dressed in dark colored clothes, they had a lot piercings and tattoos... (I am not describing Jungkook, neither saying something bad about that style..)

Of course he thought about the fact that they took drugs and didn't want to be like them in that part, but at least look like them.

At first it all started by his 'friends' telling him that the drug that they took helped with...motivation.

He said no the first time, but they jept telling him how nice it felt and that he should definitely try it.

Jungkook told asked them if they could give him some, thinking that only jnce won't harm him.

After he had taken the drug, he felt dizzy but didn't mind it. So he took some more.

The next day, his friends gave him more and he soon became addicted.

His best friends, namjoon, seokjin, hobi, yoongi, taehyung and jimin, seemed to notice that something is wrong with him.

He firstly looked more tired than he usually does and he started asking them for money. He never told them the reason though...

They gave him money because he may wanted them for his studies or to buy his daily banana milk.

But once Jimin asked him, he understood that Jungkook needed help.

"Kookie can I ask you something?" He asked the younger.

"What?" That was the rude reply of the younger.

He always spoke nice and respected his hyungs, but he suddenly acts all rude?

Jimin brushed it off and said: "So, are you okay lately? You always seem tired and you take money without telling us the reason... is there anything you need help with or something you wanna tell your hyungs?"

"I'm JuSt oKaY. I aM jUsT tIrEd" said jungkook, but sounded more like drung.

Is he drinking alcohol? I mean, he is an adult, but even when he drinks, he never gets that drunk.

"Are you sure...?" Jimin kept asking Jungkook.

Jungkook suddenly sat up from his comfy couch and stared at Jimin madly.

Then, he slapped the older, as a tear escaped his eye. After that, he left the house.

"What was that for?" Thought jimin not minding to follow the younger.

/later that evening/

"Hyung, jungkook needs our help... have you noticed that he acts... off? And he always looks tired? I'm afraid that he is drinking more alcohol than he should or worse.... taking a drug?" Said jimin to seokjin, as he really thought Jin would help him.

"Jimin-ah, I've noticed too but... don't you think it's because of his studies? He tries hard to keep up with university." Replied the older.

"But hyun-", "there is nothing to worry about, we will keep an eye on him and I already had a talk with the others. If we notice something else, we will ask for professional help" jimin nodded to the older's words.

-2 months later-

Jungkook just arrived home after a long walk... or almost home.

He didn't have keys with him, but didn't seem to care much.

Jungkook walked to a bench and layed there, soon falling asleep.

Jimin and Seokjin were our for a walk as well and walked by that bench.

"Hyung, what is Jungkook doing here? Is he drunk again?" Asked jimin.

Jin shoock his head and took his phone out of his pocket.

"Who are you'" jimin started but stopped when Jin started talking.

"Namjoon, come to the dorm now! Jungkook is not okay, I am calling an ambulance! Tell the others to cane here as well!!" Yelled Seokjin through the screen.

Namjoon started worrying for the younger and his nit so good condition. He followed the older's order and called the others, soon driving back ti the dorm.

When they arrived they saw Seokjin walking in the ambulance and an unconscious jungkook laying in a white bed.

He didn't care to get out of the car, so he just waited for jimin to gey and follow the ambulance to the hospital.

"What happened? Is jungkook okay?" Asked taehyung, panicking.

"No... Jim and I were out for a walk and suddenly saw Jungkook laying on a bench. As we approached him, Jin was the first to see his arms and legs full with red puffy holes. He must be taking drugs. I knew something was wrong with him from the beginning but you didn't seem to notice... I feel so bad for not doing something to help him earlier." Said jimin tearing up.

Hoseok hugged him to comfort him, whispering to him that it wasn't his fault and that he couldn't know.

Everyone seemed to be really schoked with what jimin said. They couldn't believe it.

Jungkook was always really nice to everyone. He studied for school and was always there when someone needed him. He dressed nice and ate well.

Now, he always looked tired, he didn't reply to his phone calls neither to the messages he received from the others. He didn't seem to eat well, as he looked much thinner and really pale.


At the hospital, Jungkook was taken in a room where he would go through some check ups.

"Are you Jungkook's family?" Asked a nurse as she walked out of his room.

"Yes, how is he?" Asked namjoon, as jimjn didn't seem to calm down.

"Not exactly... he's been taking drugs and and probably is addicted. He will go through a medication for at least a year. That also contains him staying here for a serious amount of time. We will try our best. He is sleeping right now, but you still can't go see him. He really needs rest and he doesn't look alright. It would be alright if you want to wait until he wakes up, which probably won't take long...." the nurse said sighing at the end.

"Thank you and we really appreciate it." Yoongi said, the others nodding.

The nurse left and the others just waited for jungkook to wake up.

When about a month or so he started looking a bit better he said to his hyungs that he was really sorry for making them worry and that he didn't want to get addicted.

He explained the whole situation and kept on his medication.

@jfke638 I hope you liked that chapter.

If anyone else has a request idea, please tell me. I will gladly try to write your idea in a chapter as fast as I can.

That's it, good night <33

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