||Chapter 52||

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A/N: I feel like it would be a little weird to include them killing their aunt soooo we're just gonna jump again.

1 week later

Ahhh another day another job. Today is easy though, all I'm doing is meeting with Amira and showing her around the club. We were supposed to start the tour at 8am since no one would be here but she isn't here either. I've been waiting for 30 minutes and if she doesn't come soon I'm leaving.

"Hey, I'm soooo sorry I'm late my son wasn't feeling good this morning." Amira ran in getting straight to the point. I let out a breath feeling calmer now that I knew she had a valid reason for her tardiness. "It's fine but we should start now before the cleaning crew comes in." I said glancing at the clock above the bar. She nodded and I stood up leading her towards the main stage. "This is the biggest stage in the club. Unless you get requested this is where you'll be. Each dancer does 2 songs and after your time is up you wipe the pole and exit through that curtain." I explained pointing out the slit between the two black curtains. "Some nights it's open and there's a screen that'll light up with your name on it and whatever else you want." I said and she nodded. I lead her over to the hall of private rooms beside the stage. Looking down the hall you could see the alternating black and red velvet curtains with gold tassels holding them open. Each room was different, how much you paid determined which one you were taken to. "This is where all the single dances happen. I say single because only one person goes in with the dancer at a time. The walls for this hall are thick so the music from the main stage won't drown you out if you need to call for help.  We have 2, sometimes 3 guards that stand along the hall to monitor. I'll give you a sheet to explain the system for picking rooms but if you would like to look you can." I offered and she thought for a moment "Sure" she smiled and I motioned for her to walk through and she did. Just in time to miss the incoming call I had from Sam.

I waited for Amira to get a good distance before I answered. "Wassup I told you I'm doing a tour today." I said reminding her that she wasn't supposed to call me til noon. "I know but your mom begged me to call you. She said you're ignoring her calls and she really needs you right now." she explained and I laughed. "Well tell her that's too bad I'm still not talking to her." I said and Sam huffed. "She just lost her sister V." she said as if I wasn't in the room when the bitch died. Matter fact I'm pretty sure I helped! "You think I don't know? She shouldn't have hurt me. Maybe if she did right by me and wasn't so damn selfish she wouldn't have to grieve by herself." I snapped and I heard shuffling in the background. She said a quick "i gotta go" and hung up on me.

I rolled my eyes at the pointless conversation and slid my phone back in my pocket. I turned around to see Amira looking at me concerned. "Is everything alright?" she asked rubbing my arm and I sighed. Even if I did tell her she wouldn't understand and I don't have the time to explain a life's worth of events that led up to now. "Yea" I lied forcing a smile and I could tell she didn't believe me but she didn't push. "Okay well I'm ready when you are." she smiled and I nodded. Without saying anything I started walking towards the staircase. She's already seen the bar and she can see the dressing rooms when she actually starts. For now I needed a moment.

The past week has been stressful. Everyone is expecting me to be grieving but I just can't. I knew this was coming, I was the one watching her eat every meal we poisoned. It's not like I have any tears for her anyway, she didn't start caring about me until one of her daughters disappeared. Even then she was just using me to be her errand runner and the one she could call when she wanted someone to hear her sob stories about how much she tried to be a good person.

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