||Chapter 54||

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room with a killer headache. My head felt like it was ready to explode and my body felt weak. I decided to ignore the pain and I forced myself out of the bed I was in. I looked down to see my clothes had been changed and my outfit from last night was folded up on a chair in the corner with a note on top. I slowly made my way across the large room to the chair and picked up the paper. My eyes took a minute to focus but when they did I blinked and began to read.

"You got overly drunk again. Your date ran out the club looking ready to cry and from the security footage it showed you shoving her when she tried to help you and leaving her to entrain herself the whole night while you drank. I know you probably don't care since you do this to plenty of girls but I thought I'd let you know in case you don't remember.

By the time you wake up we'll be gone already. Your flight is booked for 5pm to give you plenty of time to sober up, I don't want you embarrassing us on our first trip back home in years.

Love you,


I read the note and immediately started cursing myself out. I didn't plan on getting drunk or scaring Amira off. Knowing me it started off as one drink and I just couldn't stop myself.

I quickly took the medicine she left beside the clothes and drank a big gulp of water. I rushed into the bathroom and did my hygiene as fast as I could thinking of Amira the entire time. I have 3 hours to make it up to her before I'm out of the country for 5 days.

I put on some extra clothes my mom left and grabbed my outfit from last night practically flying down the stairs.

I took the keys to her black range rover and rushed out the door. I got in the car and sped onto the road as I used text to speech to put Amira's address in the gps.

I slowed down and followed the directions but as I found a familiar road I sped up again.

I turned the remaining 20 minute drive into 12 and jumped out of the car just as Amira was coming out the house. "Amira!" I yelled getting her attention, she looked at me and turned around but I ran up to her grabbing her arm. "Please, just give me a few minutes and I'll leave." I begged and she slowly turned around. She looked hurt, her eyes were puffy and red with light bags underneath them.

My heart felt like it had just been stomped on.

For the first time in years I felt guilty for drinking. She gave me the chance that I begged for and within such short time I caused her pain. I made her cry. I was no better than the last two that I claimed to be better than, I gave her a few good moments then ruined it. Just like she said they did.

"Are you going to speak or what?" she mumbled looking away from me and I cleared my throat. I took both her hands in mine and gently caressed them. "I'm deeply sorry Amira. I won't make an excuse for myself because I know I was wrong. I apologize for the way I treated you last night, you wanted to help me and I hurt you. Truth is I have a drinking problem. I've been like this for years now and as of a few months ago I was cutting back. I only drank on special occasions and even then I didn't allow myself much. Last night all that went down the drain and I feel guilty about it. I'm going to get help, I don't want to see you hurting because of me and I'm tired of waking up random places not remembering anything. I'm sorry Amira, I should've stopped myself last night." I apologized looking directly into her eyes so she would know how serious I was.

I'm going to stop drinking, completely this time.

She rolled her eyes then squinted them, "Vina don't lie to me, if you don't want to stop that's on you but don't look me in my eyes and lie." Amira said. I felt hurt that she didn't see I was being honest but I don't remember how I was last night and maybe I did something to make her say that. I sighed and stepped closer to her, to my surprise she didn't move. I took 2 more steps and we were so close I could hear her breathing. "I'm not lying to you. I'm sorry you feel like I would lie but I really need you to trust me. I need you to be patient with me because I can't lose you Amira. Help me through my problems like I'm helping you through yours....please." I begged and placed a kiss on each of her hands.  I looked back up at her expecting the worst but instead she was smiling. It wasn't big, it was barely noticeable but it was there. "I'm going to try but V I swear if you're lying to me I'm never speaking to you again." she warned and I felt tears start coming out of my eyes. I quickly wiped them and nodded my head to Amira's words. After a moment of looking at me she pulled me into a hug. It felt nice, I felt relieved that she wasn't mad at me anymore.

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