||Chapter 16||

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Amira's pov

Soooo today is when tokyo claim she takin my son but we both know that's not happening. I'm dressed and waiting on Jay to come pick us up. I'm on my phone scrolling and I see cici posted a pic. It's her standing to the side with these small ass shorts on. Wtf tokyo lettin her wear? I called her.


Sissy🥺💕: what?
: When you comin home?
Sissy🥺💕: when you stop killing people. I don't know if it's safe for me there mira
: My therapist cleared the same day y'all left. I sent tokyo a pic of the note and everything. It been safe
Sissy🥺💕: mira how do I know you're not lying and going to hurt me?
: Ciara I don't care how crazy I get I would never hurt you and you should know that!
Sissy🥺💕: I'm fine with tokyo plus she let's me have boys over. Speaking of which I have to go.
: Ciara!... Cici!

She fucking hung up on me after sayin tokyo let her have boys over. Ykw fuck it I'll wait for her to come back herself and she better not come back beat up or pregnant! Better be as pure as the virgin marry herself!

"Hey babe, why you look pissed?" Jay asked as she came in taking Amir. "My sister just told me that while she's been staying with Amir's mother the bitch been letting her have boys n shii over." I explained giving Jay a kiss. "You wanna go get her? We can make a stop" she said as we left the house. "Nah she gone take amir" I explained watching her put amir in his seat then getting in the car. Right as we pulled out Tokyo pulled in. She didn't see that I was in the car so she went up to the door. Jay sped off and we just road around. "Where you wanna go?" she asked me at the light. Shawn texted me. "I'm not sure maybe a mall" I answered opening Shawn's text.

Pussy ass hoe

Pussy ass hoe: Look I don't know what's up with you but yo therapist called sayin you got taken to jail and been real quiet since. She claim you released and crazy so tell me wtf is up.
: Do me a favor and let my therapist know I'll be stopping by her house later. If she asks why tell her she shouldn't have called the cops and I have a surprise
Pussy ass hoe: DO NOT kill her mira!
: I don't take orders from you. Keep your nose in my business and you're next Shawni pooh😉
Pussy ass hoe: Fine just be careful out there.

I closed the text and laughed. Jay paid it no mind so I just waited for her to park at the mall. Of course I have no intentions on killing anyone since I've gotten that side of me under control but since shawn wants to mind my business for me why not scare the little bitch🤷🏽‍♀️

I got out the car and put Amir in his carrier and put it on as we walked in. Jay wanted to get shoes so that's where we went and out the corner of my eye I seen Shawn helping some girl. I guess she works here. I turned my back to her and soon she came to help jay struggling to pick a shoe. "Hey, can I help you?" She asked not even noticing I was there. "Yea I need to know my shoe size" jay informed her and as jay was taking her shoe off me and Shawn connected eyes. I smirked and looked at jay. "Babe don't you wear a 7?" I asked and I could see the anger & hurt in Shawn's eyes. "Yea but these shoes run small love. If you want y'all can go to the food court while I figure this out" she answered and I nodded. Shawn helped jay and as soon as she looked up I kissed Jay. She kissed back then kissed Amir's head. "See you in a bit baby" I said as I walked out.

I left to the food court just sitting on my phone for about 20 minutes until I heard yelling and people gathering. "SHE WAS MINE FIRST!" I heard someone yell. My nosey ass got up and went over only to see Shawn and Jay fighting. I shook my head in disbelief these two are causing a scene over me. I quickly got in the middle of them. "STOP!" I yelled and shawn just looked at me. "You said you would never date a stud and you walk in my job with her!" she yelled at me. "Shawn at the time I wasn't ready and what did you do? You fucked my ex. Now I'm ready to do what I want and if you have a problem I can put Amir down and instead of fighting my girl we can fight" I explained taking the carrier off and handing him to Jay. "I didn't know she was your ex Amira! you told me we would never be anything so I moved on" she said and people were recording so ofc I was a show off. "Okay so when I came to your house like 2 weeks prior to me telling you that you were doing what shawn? You were lying to me. I walked in your room and you had that same ex in the room you told me you liked and had feelings for me in. Don't lie in front of all these people and pin everything on me. I TRIED TO CHANGE SHAWN! I tried to take you on a date, I tried to adjust, I tried to be comfortable with you being a masculine female. Yes I was still being an ass from time to time but you can't blame everything on me" I said and I laughed when she looked down. "I know I fucked up too but you can't possibly love this bitch!" shawn yelled and before Jay did I punched the shit out of Shawn. She grabbed her jaw and I kicked her in the side. "Bitch you broke me and she was the only one in my corner when I damn near killed myself in a car accident bc I was drunk off my ass trying to get over you! Don't call her a bitch cause she got me and you don't. YOU fucked shit up shawn" I said and jay tried to grab me but I pulled away and bent down grabbing Shawn's face and whispering so no one could hear. "Just cause I'm in front of all these people don't mean I won't pull my gun out. I don't want to hear shit from you after today and if I see you I'm killing you shawn. Hates a strong word but after all the shit I did and you broke me. I HATE you" I said and she was crying but I walked off with jay behind me.

We got in the car and left. Neither one of us said anything until we got in the house and jay sat Amir down. "Whatever you whispered to her really fucked with her mental. I could see it in her eyes and for the next few days I need to clear my head so don't call or text Amira." she told me then left. I just plopped on the couch looking at Amir in his play pin. I texted lani: "Be at my place in 30. No talking just head and smoking" After that I put my phone away and got Amir going to Tokyo's place. I went in seeing some guy on Ciara. "I see why you like it here. You get to act grown. Just remember baby sis actin grown at 14 don't get you far" I said and the guy hopped up arguing with her about her being 14. I laughed and went upstairs to tokyo room. She was fucking some guy so I covered Amir. "Tokyo you wanted Amir so bad I'm putting him in his room. When you done wash up and be a mother" I said and she got up. She was yelling to not leave him but I kissed him goodbye and put him in his crib. I left before anyone could say anything to me and I went back home. I laid on the couch smoking a blunt and then Lani came in. "after this i'm going to go back to ignoring you" she said getting between my legs. "Yea ignoring me until I call for more head" I said laughing and she went to work.

"mhm right there Lani" I moaned grinding myself on her tongue. Someone knocked on the door and I got up getting myself together and lani started smoking. Whoever it is better be important cause my original plan was to cum. "Justin why in the hell are you on my doorstep" I asked. "Shawn came home from work beat up and told me what happened!" he said getting mad with me. "She hit my girl and called her a bitch then decided to try and blame me for us not being together" I explained stepping outside smoking my blunt still. "Your girl started joking about how apparently Shawn showed up while y'all were smoking and you shut her down mid apology! Get your girl in check cause Shawn was just going her job!" he yelled and I started getting mad with Jay. I gotta figure out who tellin the truth but then again I didn't ask who started it. "tell Shawn I didn't know who started it but if I hear from her that shit I said in the mall still stands." I said about to go inside but he stopped me. "Me and my sister both saw you shoot that girl and when the police showed up Shawn pulled me to the side and said that the only way she'd get a chance at keeping you is if I stayed quiet and when I was telling her to tell the truth and get you put away she insisted that there was good in you she's the reason you're not in jail!" he said whispering and I laughed. "I wanted to go to jail so go up there and tell them. Won't make a difference to me." I said going in and honestly I pray he doesn't but I gotta stay in character. "Lani he might rat me out" I said and she got up. "who?" she asked "The brother of the chick I was seeing. He saw the whole thing and after I punched shawn for calling Jay my bitch he might snitch" I explained and soon I was telling her everything she missed.

"If I go to jail I got bail money. Go to my mom she know my information" I said and she nodded. She had to leave to one of her hoes so I was left by myself.

                       ||2 Hours Later||

I'm cleaning the house and just took the trash. Sadly I'm out of weed but oh well. I'll get more tomorrow.

Bang Bang Bang

"POLICE OPEN UP!" I heard at my door and I already know what they want. I got mad and switched over. I felt anger and wanted to shoot every officer but shii I'll save that. "Yes officer?" I asked opening the door. "Amira Brown you're under arrest for the murder of Destiny Write.." he continued but you know the drill. I stayed quiet and on the way there I was myself again but I started freaking out and the crazy side tapped back in. "Do y'all have enough made up proof this time or we doin the same shit as last time?" I asked and I laughed. "Yea a boy came in with a recorded conversation of you admitting it" he said and my laughing stopped. "probably fake I'll get my lawyers on it" I said trying to be confident but I know I'm going down. No way in hell I'm not.

My mom is a lawyer but based off the recording they played even she can't get my ass out of this quicksand. Bye y'all..

Uh oh😟 See y'all next chapter🤍

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