Chapter 7

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As me and Peace slowly made our way to the canteen we overheard someone shouting Peace's name.

"Hey dude, how did training go?" he asked rather enthusiastically.

"Oh you know, same as usual" Peace chuckled. He narrowed his eyes down to me.

"And you are?" he asked rather bluntly.

"Meg, Meg Whitely, nice to meet you" I spoke not so confidently. I forgot Peace's arm was around my shoulder and he looked from me to Peace then back again.

"Okay well see you both later then" he said rather unsure himself before disappearing.

"I don't think he likes me" I said to Peace while laughing to myself.

"He probably wondered how I got such an attractive girl on my arm" he said looking at me straight in the eyes the whole time. I blushed and hit him in the stomach playfully before we both entered the canteen.

Straight away I wanted the ground to swallow me whole, everyone's eyes burned holes into me, did I have something on my face?

I felt like a moving billboard, Peace glanced over at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Come on, let's go get a sandwich" he spoke calmly, nodding my head I followed closely behind. "Ham with cheese or chicken salad?" He asked, "ham please" I said rather quietly.

I scanned the room for an empty table and I noticed a red circular one in the corner, I decided to go and sit by it whilst I waited for Peace to get the food. After a short while he returned with our food.

"I got you an apple aswell, helps for that strength of yours" he said giggling away like a school girl.

Rolling my eyes, I noticed a blonde haired girl approaching us; I quickly nodded to her direction when Peace glanced up at me, he smiled almost instantly.

"Hey baby, where have you been all day?" He spoke, baby? I thought, I'd never seen her a day in my life, who was she.

As she sat down next to Peace her eyes burned through my skull before she looked lovingly at Peace.

"I've been training, having a power like augmentation is hard to control you know" she laughed sarcastically.

"his is my friend Meg" he said as he gestured towards me, her head turned to me, I looked at her hazel eyes, she didn't seem like the type Peace would go for, she was full of make up which was clearly to hide the fact she had a million freckles, and her skin was amazingly pale almost anaemic, she gave me a sarcastic smile, "I'm sorry to be up front, but augmentation what power is that?" I asked rather interested. She smiled "it means I can weaken other people's powers" she said looking me up and down, "oh right, is that the only power you have?" I ask rather interested, she laughed "no I also have the power to breath fire from my mouth, fire breathing they call it and I have one more power which is invisibility, it's great for pranking people with" she laughed. "What powers do you have?" She asked quite intimidatingly, "she has to many to even remember" Peace laughed, she glanced over at him and laughed herself, I chuckled awkwardly. The girl then got up, "I'll catch you later then?" She asked Peace, "of course" he spoke, he looked like Cupid had just hit him repeatedly across the face, the girl then walked away. "Who was that?" I asked Peace quite quickly, "that's my girlfriend Becca" he spoke proudly, "When was you gonna tell me and Leo about this girlfriend of yours then?" I asked him trying to hint the your-dead-meat tone in my voice, "I couldn't exactly tell you both could i, what did you expect me to do? Oh yeah by the way guys I date a fire breathing, invisible, power weakening girl, you guys wouldn't have even believed that" he said trying to hint his are you stupid tone. "Alright, I put my hands up I wouldn't have seen that one coming" I chuckled, then I realised what Ofelia told me, only 2 people have the power to immortality and that was me and Peace, realisation hit me, I wasn't going to die unless someone killed me, I looked over at Peace, he was sitting opposite me in the canteen. "You know me and you are the only 2 people here who can't die" I asked him, "yeah it's great isn't it" he said rather happy and smiley about it. "Does it not scare you, you know living forever?" I asked, "no I think it will be an amazing thing to see, you know watch how the world changes and that" he said. I didn't know how to respond so I just nodded my head, "you'll also have stopped ageing now" he spoke again before taking a bite out of his sandwich, I glanced up at him confused, "what?" I asked shocked, he looked at me swallowed his food then spoke again; "when you get to the age of 18, if you have the immortality power you stop ageing, you basically stay the way you look now for the rest of your life" he explained, wow did I want to look like this my whole life? I didn't know after today's events I just wanted to curl up in my own bed and stare at the moon, but I couldn't do that anymore, after finishing our lunch, Peace went off to meet Becca. I wasn't sure if I liked her yet, maybe she just needed to grow on to me. Peering up at the clock on the wall near the canteen door the clock read 11:30 pm, I decided now would be a good time to sleep, walking back to my room I thought about how much I miss Leo, Leo! I wonder if he ever got my text? My phone! Quickly picking up the pace I ran to my room, to my luck my phone was sitting on my bed waiting for me, I sighed a breath of relief, I opened it up and I had 2 texts' one from Leo and another from Peace, I forgotten I had texted him aswell, I decided to open up his message first, ' I have a pretty good feeling I'm going to see you soon', I laughed at his message realising what he means. Next I opened up a text from Leo 'what do you mean, Meg where are you? Text me right away I need to know you're safe x', reading that text made me smile, I decided to reply.

Re; Leo Knowles💙

Hey false alarm, I just went on some crazy trip, see you tomorrow

Meg x

I hit the send button and smiled, Id always had a soft spot for Leo, he always knew how to make me smile even when I didn't want to, Leo was going off to university soon even after me begging him not to go, he wanted to go into urban studies so that he can become a city planner, which was unusual for Leo because he was super intelligent and had the whole world at his feet, literally.

A few minutes later I heard a buzz from my phone I looked 1 new message from Leo I opened it up almost instantly.

Re;Meg Whitely💝

You sausage you scared me then, glad to hear you're okay, see you tomorrow baby girl

Leo x

I smiled, me and Leo always gave each other pet names, laughing I put my phone on charge near the desk in my room and decided to change into my onesie. My mother hated my giraffe onesie which only made me love it more, I missed my mother already I wonder what she was doing right now, I need to text her tomorrow and let her know I'm okay.

I slowly started drifting off into a deep sleep, what did tomorrow hold, I guess I need to wait and see.

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