Chapter 21

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Me, Leo, Olivia and Peace all looked each other, before looking at Ofelia. "We are with you hands down mother" Peace spoke. Ofelia smiled at us before she spoke. "Okay you three go train, whilst I find out what kind of fighter Leo is" she said smiling at Leo. Me, Olivia and Peace went off to our stations. Olivia was throwing her axe's at her target, hitting it dead in the center as usual, I noticed this made Leo flinch. I laughed he clearly had no idea how skill full Olivia was, Peace was swinging his meteor hammer around. Testing his speed and how well he could hit his target with it. Peace was so skilled with this. Leo looked so uneasy around everyone he looked over in my direction and I was busy shooting the target in front of me with my pistol crossbow.

"What kind of axe's is Olivia throwing?" I heard Leo asked Ofelia. "Hurlbats" She answered. I noticed Leo just nodded as an answer.

Ofelia handed him a hankyu, which was like a sling crossbow. Leo looked at her confused. Ofelia then walked over to a target which was opposite where I was stood. "Aim for that target" she said to Leo. Leo looked more confused now, "How do I do that?" he asked. "Just try" she spoke before moving to the side for him to aim. Leo took one of his arrows, pulled in back in the crossbow and prepared for aim, he looked at his target before taking a deep breath and letting go. To everyone's amazement he got the target dead in the middle first time. Leo smiled at himself please, Ofelia clapped her hands and laughed; Peace came over and patted Leo on the shoulder, me and Olivia gave each other an Evil grin. We both knew next was finding out what fighting style he had, and we both knew Olivia was probably going to beat him up.

"Next lets see what fighting style you have Leo" Ofelia shouted directing her head over to the boxing ring. Olivia went a stood in the ring with her American karate skills he stood no chance, at least that's what I thought. Apparently Leo knows judo and he used his skills to knock Olivia down. Me and Peace were shocked we didn't even know he knew judo.

"I'd say you four are ready to face Ashleigh's minions" Ofelia said laughing. Ashleigh who was she? "You've never mentioned an Ashleigh" Olivia said equally as confused as me. "She's Aiden's headmistress. She runs the GDA, so she's more superior then Aiden" Ofelia explained. What was Ashleigh's problem with us? What harm could we bring?

"Here's a question" Leo said, "If you have powers, why do you need to know how to fight and why do you have weapons?". Ofelia looked at him clearly thinking into depth about how to answer this. "We use weapons because we use our powers as a last resort, we like a fair fight and us using our powers isn't a fair fight is it?" she questioned Leo. Leo just shook his head.

"We will fight in 2 weeks" Ofelia said before leaving the gym.

We all stood still still not sure what to do, until Peace said its probably best we go back to the cabin and sleep today off. We all agreed and walked back.

I was getting pretty sleepy so I used my super speed to get back and go to sleep quicker.

As I entered the cabin, Aiden was sitting in the living room. He stood up when he seen me enter on my own, "Ah so your Meg" he spoke. I froze in place I had no idea what to do. Olivia must of heard me panicking inside my head because she was using her telepathy to ask me what was wrong. I told her Aiden was here and she said not to worry she will be there soon.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I want my son Meg, I need him for tests, to see if his blood is any different to mine. To see what makes him the way he is" he said. I gave him a look of disgust, how could one man be so inexcusable. Especially towards his own son. "But then again, I could always take you because you have more powers then him don't you Meg" he said circling me. I said nothing remain still. A ringing phone distracted me, it was Aiden's he quickly walked over to the other side of the living room and answered it.

"Yeah, well i'll bring back whatever I can get then" he said to someone down the phone. As he was saying he was staring intensely at me the whole time, this a chill ran down my spine. He walked over to me, I stood still as he walked behind me and picked up a lock of my hair. "So Meg you're only 18 right?" he said. I just nodded my head as a response. I could feel his breath again my neck and it was starting to make me feel sick. "You're beautiful for that age, do you have a boyfriend yet" he asked as he turned and was standing directly in front of me.

"Yeah me" I heard Leo shout, I felt relieved almost instantly. I ran to Leo the second I heard his voice and just hugged him.

"You can leave now or with my girlfriends burn marks all over your face, your choice" Peace snarled. Olivia stood next to him with fire running from her hand up to her forearm, clearing showing she wasn't backing down.

Aiden put his hands up and walked towards the door. "Until next time son" he wickedly laughed. Olivia walked over batting her eyelashes at him. "Can I help you?" Aiden asked. Before Olivia even answered she kicked him making him go flying into the stream below us.

We all laughed as the door was slammed shut. I sat down on the sofa next to Leo and snuggled next to him, drifting off to sleep.

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