Chapter 14

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Me, Olivia and Peace hadn't said a word since Ofelia walked in, realization had hit us harder than we thought. "Meg, come we need to teach you a fighting style that will suit you" Ofelia said making me glance over at her. "Peace already knows how to bare knuckle box and Olivia knows American karate, so we need to give you a fighting style in case you ever need it" Ofelia explained.

As I started to approach Ofelia she looked me up and down before directing her head to a mat next to us located to the right of where we were standing. I walked over to the mat, before stepping on it Ofelia shouted to me. "Wait you see that long brown wooden stick, go pick it up and then wait on the mat" she said before turning around. As I looked behind me I seen the wooden stick Ofelia was talking about and I picked up and started to approach the mat, as I looked in the direction Ofelia walked off in I noticed her and Olivia approaching me. Fear washed my whole body, I was praying I didn't have to fight Olivia she was like a trained assassin for crying out loud. Seeing Olivia pick up a stick as well made my heart drop, I can't fight Olivia she'd kill me!

"Stop panicking and go with your instinct, Olivia won't hurt you purposely. Just focus on defending yourself" Ofelia said before standing to one side, Olivia stood in front of me on the mat she gave me a reassuring smile before standing on her side and put her stick up on a slant so it was half up but half down. I stood like a statue I had no idea how to fight this style or what this style even was, I noticed Olivia's stick coming towards my head and I put my stick up to block her chance of hitting me. I pushed the stick up, then around trying desperately to push it down to the floor, when Olivia clocked on to what I was doing she swiftly pulled the stick horizontally near my feet in an to knock me down. I jumped and went to strike her but she put her stick up making our sticks hit against each other. She then spun around and went to strike me with the stick, I grabbed her stick and pulled it, throwing it away in one swift motion, and then struck her with my stick making her tumble down.

As I was standing there with my stick point towards Olivia's face I heard Peace clapping. "Looks like the jellyfish can fight then" Peace said whilst laughing, he started walking towards us clearly waiting to help Olivia up. "So Meg, looks like your a quarterstaff fighter" Ofelia said. "You three need to keep training, the stronger you get the more chance we have winning the battle" Ofelia explained before walking towards the gym doors, she stopped near the door and looked at us. "I don't know how you can't see how special and rare you three are" Ofelia said one final time before leaving.

Me, Peace and Olivia all looked at each other not saying a word. After a few moments Peace finally spoke, "I know this is going to sound weird but I got a friend of mine to make us some clothes, you know help out with our look". Me and Olivia looked at each other not sure what to say. "Come on its in my room I'll show you" Peace said before leading us back to his room.

Peace's room was located on the first floor, I was a bit jealous that Peace only had to go up one flight of stairs whereas I had to go up two. Peace stayed in room 529, he unlocked the door and gestured for me and Olivia to go in first.

As me and Olivia walked in I realized how much smaller Peace's room was to mine. His walls were all grey and he had a single bed in the middle of the room which had a apple mac laptop on. Over the top of his bed he had millions of quotes on the wall and one which was bigger than rest said 'your voice was the soundtrack to my summer'. Over the quotes he had fairy lights, beaming so brightly and to the right of the room near the window he had Fall Out Boy poster. But the first thing that caught my attention was the black acoustic guitar, I didn't even know Peace played any instruments.

Peace shut the door and rushed over to his closet which was located to the left of his room, he pulled out three outfits the first was Olivia's. It was a pair of black skinny jeans, with a black vest top, a black leather jacket, some black knee high boots, a pair of black glasses and a black scarf. Why a scarf? I had no idea but this was Peace. The next outfit was mine, I had a pair of black leather jeans with a black long sleeve turtle neck jumper, some short black boots, a pair of black glasses and a black beanie. Me and Olivia were actually pretty impressed with our outfits. The final one was Peaces his was an all black suit with a black shirt, a white tie, a black trench coat, some black glasses and some formal black men shoes.

I had no idea how well Peace had thought this through but clearly he had. "Here put these on" Peace said to Olivia handing her some glasses. "What why?" She replied, "I had them specially made so you can still use your x ray vision when wearing them" He answered. Olivia put them on and tested them out, "What do you see?" I asked her rather interested. She looked towards Peace's bedroom door, "Ofelia's stood on the other side of the door" She exclaimed. Olivia tossed the glasses back to Peace before I opened the door. "Everything okay guys?" Ofelia asked clearly hinting at our shocked expressions. All we could do was nod, "Me and Olivia were just going actually, thank you for helping us today Peace see you tomorrow" I said rushing off with Olivia following behind. "Come on we can stay in my room tonight and get ready to prepare for more training tomorrow" she said.

Olivia's room was located on the same floor as mine, she was staying in room 741 it wasn't that far from mine if I was honest. Olivia's room was probably the same size as mine except her walls were red. Her bed was located in the middle of the room and of course it was a double bed. Above it were millions of pictures of her family and some of a rapper called Nicki Minaj. Olivia's music taste was different to mine but I didn't mind. She had fairy lights above her bed kind of shaped like a square and in the middle of the square said 'I can't fall asleep but I sure can dream'. I laughed at how much this was like Olivia, she had a small desk at the side of her bed which had a light shade on. She flicked it on before going to her closet to grab us both a pair of pajamas. Olivia threw me some blue checkered pajama bottoms, with a grey short sleeve top that said dude 4 times in the middle of it, before putting on her own pajamas. She was just wearing some short red checkered pajama bottoms with a long sleeve checked top to go with it.

We both fell asleep in Olivia's bed almost instantly, I can't wait to see how the next few days will be.

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