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"Didn't expected her to be cling on me despite the fact the path for heaven was open for her. No matter, as she said, she's my little sister... we're always going to be together... no matter what we might get into. It'll keep the promise."

As Daki teared and cried but clinging strongly to Gyutaro, refusing to leave him. Lifting her legs up, they both entered walking towards and among the fires of hell themselves, they didn't mind the heat, the burning, as long as one wasn't separated from the other, it was completely fine.


Another sigh escaped from Gyutaro's mouth.

"Well we've got used to the fire by now and Ume's crying finally stopped, i think she's asle- yeah she is, though i can still hear sob every now and then... well i have to say, despite just the fire... this got's to be the most anti-climatic hell i've ever seen, its just the infinite void of darkness and fire, i can see no end to the walking, heh... not that i can feel tired anyways..."


"Despite what i said previously, i'm truly getting tired of walking, not physically but mentally... at least the fire's out by now but really its not much from a difference... i think its best i stop from here, i don't see a point in walking anymore..."

He settled down, carefully putting Ume on the... ground? should he call it like that...? no matter he sat her down carefully to not wake her up.
As that was done, he closed his eyes, and rested on the floor.

Gyutaro reminisces, yet again, memories from his terrible, harsh, cruel childhood, decent life when Ume came to life, that day... the good times they had in their initial demon lifes... Douma... and... their final days on the entertainment district... damned those Demon Slayers... that fucking hashira, the fucking kid with the hanafuda earrings-


Not worth cursing him for if we're already dead. At least we don't have to deal with them ever again."

Gyutaro simply decided to follow Ume suit and closed his eyes, and bound to sleep, its been years since he experienced sleeping anyways.


Ume woke up, she looked around, it was almost pitch black, but a sign of light was seen onto her right side, she by instinct knew where her brother was, as he was simply right next to her, still stuck in his demon form. She got up and looked around, there was a small hint of light hidden by a single corner, it was a very faint one, none the less still visible, she was planning to walk towards it, but, she looked back at her brother, sat down, sleeping, remembering her promise, she sat down back with him.

Odd, she felt odd, like her body grew up or something close to it, never mind she shrugged it off.


Gyutaro woke up once again, looking around, it was slightly more lighter this whole dark area, Ume was right next to him away.

Gyutaro: Hey sister feeling good?
Ume: Other then we're both clearly stuck in hell with my big brother, not much really hehe.

She said as she grinned. Gyutaro stared.

Ume: Something wrong?
Gyutaro: You're back in your demon form...
Ume: Really?

She said as she looked at herself.

Ume: Well now that you say it, yeah i am... huh.
Gyutaro: One way or another you're beatiful as you are.
Ume: Aww complimenting me even if we're in hell...!

She said in a light tone, with a small smile.

But it quickly faded as both kept staring ahead at nothing.

Ume: Say this is the most boring hell i ever seen, i've expected worse, you?
Gyutaro: Can't help but say the same...

Both sighed in boredom.

Gyutaro: Something feels cold on my feet.
Ume: Really? what is it?

Gyutaro slid his feet, but still sat down, he felt it like it was strong metal, he moved his feet, he felt gravel and some parts of wood.

Gyutaro: Wait... what...?

He stood up, certainly there's this cold iron thing feeling, gravel and neatly placed pieces of wood.

Ume: What's wrong?
Gyutaro: Isn't this what they uhm... what those humans call...? hmmm... "train tracks"?
Ume: What?
Gyutaro: I think we're in some train tracks Ume.

Both where clearly absolutely confused by this. That is until they felt the ground shake slightly, growing stronger by the second.

Gyutaro: What the he-

Before Gyutaro could finish the sentencing curse, 3 very bright lights came rounding up from a corner, the ground felt like a mini-earthquake, a roaring sound came emanating from the lights, and soon a very, very loud horn that almost deafened both demons.

Ume saw as her brother attempted to say anything but couldn't hear it, but clearly she guessed he said 'get on my back!'.

Quickly she jumped on his back and both ran away from the lights at fast speed, subsequently leaving it behind, and going to the bright light emanating from the other side of the darkness.


She yelled in a crackling voice.

Gyutaro: I DON'T KNOW!

They both yelled at each other as Gyutaro was sprinting quickly on the tunnel, and into the light.

And soon enough, both of them got finally out of the tunnel, as the clear night sky was seen followed with a beautiful bright shining moon upon them with lots of stars...

Gyutaro moved away from the tracks, as the freight train got out off the tunnel, still going for it with the loud horn, deafening loud screeching of the freight cars maintained both demons on their toes as they stared at the long train coming out of the tunnel.

Ume then got out off from Gyutaro's back.

Ume: What... was that?! What... is that!
Gyutaro: A train that is...??? but i've never seen anything like it!

Both remained on a odd moment of silence, but then the siblings realized something... they where stepping on... yellow dirt...?
It felt... pretty different for them... they never saw sand before...

Gyutaro tried to get a hold on the sand, but as soon as he grabbed it, it started pouring out of his first, with little remaining in his own palm.

Gyutaro (in his mind): What... is this...?

He pondered... but his thoughts where interrupted by his sisters reaction. As she walked up from a cliff

Ume: Brother look!

Gyutaro looked back and walked besides her. To be surprised...
By not seeing a town... but a city... not like any they've seen in any you'd see in a small drawing panel from tossed newspaper or in a picture... or even noted in a book... this one had tall buildings... and a lot of lights... boasting with great human activity... more then the Red Light District.

Both demon siblings thought... that maybe they're in a different world...


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