New World, New City, New Life

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Gyutaro and Ume just stood there, blankly staring at the boastuflly shining and active city, as they stared withthe moon light shining over them...

Gyutaro just realized, that the "long-iron-snake" as he nicknamed to the freight train, just fully stopped.
At this point the siblings decided it was best to leave where they are and take a look at the city, to at leastknow where the hell they are.

Ume, with her demon form, jumped once again in Gyutaro's back.
Gyutaro wondered why Ume's in her adult demon form again, if a couple moments before she was on her younger human form... none the less, he holded his sister tight and off they went to the city...

And in no time they arrived pretty much at the border of the city, in a highway. They saw the road that where slightly impressed of what was made of, and saw a sign that said "Welcome to Phoenix" with some sort of symbol with a orange bird on top.
Both looked to the left, only a empty road with nothing but the highway road and more sand and few dead bushes.
On the right was the city of Phoenix, and once again they set off to the city.

Finally arriving, both looked in awe at the very active city. Humans where everywhere in the main streets / areas.
Tall buildings with its multiple floors with the lights on.
Carriages moving on themselves without the need of horses.
Humans wearing different types of clothing rather then the traditional japense clothing.

Among many other thoughts on this weird but curious place they both pondered while hiding in the shadows.

Ume: This certainly is more active then Red Light District...

Gyutaro only hummend in agreedment as they both looked everything in the roof of a building.

Ume: So... what should we do now oni-san?

Gyutaro pondered... recollecting his thoughts.

Firts they get killed by the demons slayers... then they're walking in flames... and now they're in a similar but different world...?. It was confusing... none the less... even being long gone from their home... they'll do what they always do best...

-Meanwhile, Southern Pacific Mcall Yard, 250km farther from Phoenix-

The engineer with deep eyelashes sat on the desk waiting for his boss to spoke up, he finished writing a file for him. He put the pen down and looked back at the engineer.

Yard Manager: Now Ryan i know you've just... ya'know had a divorce like a week ago, and your co-workers and i noticed that you've been... different these couple of days...

The engineer called Ryan was about to say something before being interrupted by the yard manager.

Yard Manager: SO, my best action as your boss is to give you a week off for you. No need to thank me.
Ryan: Ah... A- Are you sure sir...?
Yard Manager: Of course i am Ryan, don't worry it'll call for some one else to take in for you, but for now, take a good deserving rest, maybe go quickly on vacation in another state or somethin', anyways, for now you can leave early tonight.
Ryan: I- uh... thanks sir...
Yard Manager: No problem Ryan.

Ryan simply stood up from his chair.

Ryan: Uh... thanks again...

He said as he walked to the exit door. He walked all the way to the his truck before getting called on his back by one of his co-workers, Mike.

Mike: Hey Ryan how did it go?
Ryan: It went up uhh... pretty well, yard manager told me i have a week off so... yeah...
Mike: Well that's good to hear buddy! now go on, take ya truck and go back home and take a goood almighty sleep or just watch movies!
Ryan: Yeah... heh... of course sure thing... Hey uhmmm... what about tonight's train...?
Mike: Ah don't worry i can take care of it on my own!
Ryan: If you say so... well... goodbye then friend...!
Mike: Same buddy!

They both hugged with friendly claps on their backs. Mike went back to his locomotive to start the switching duty, as for Ryan he walked up to his truck ang got in, started the truck and drove off his way back home.

Ryan: Boy... i sure do need some rest... [yawn]

He mumbled to himself as he was driving on the dirt road and back on the main highway. Soon enough he arrived Phoenix in a couple of minutes, he simply slowly drove around the city before finally arriving at the neighborhood.

The neighborhood was oddly quiet today, none the less, he parked his car inside the garage of his own home. And got in, took his SP uniform off as it was mostly sweaty and smelled pretty bad.

Ryan: Hmmm... better take a bath first...

He went to be bathroom and took a quick refreshing bath, went to his room, quickly changed his clothes, and went back to the living room to turn on the TV and started looking forward any interesting movie, unfortunately there weren't any, he simply took the most boring one and expected to sleep soon by how boring it was, his eyelids felt heavier by every blink, and soon enough he got to sleep in his couch.


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