Bonus (Writers Note)

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So, you've made it this far, in all honesty i didn't expected  that, nor did i expected for the book to at least arrive at 1K (now close to 2K). I know its getting tiring.

But thank you.

Thank you for reading this up until the end, this is the first work that gets this many views, even more then Trains vs Zombies. I really hope you enjoyed reading as i did writing it.

So then, time for the commentaries.

- Inspirations? -

Well, it was mostly of odd dreams it'd have after a week from the Demon Slayer's Season 2 end.

One of the dreams was having Gyutaro and perhaps Daki being locomotive drivers...? can't tell fully, but i knew for a fact there where trains related. I couldn't get the thought out of my mind for a long time, then i started having setting up a plot in my mind while day dreaming about how they both got on that job place, thus starting this fanfic, that will later have the sequel with more train related stories, while at the same time having the Shabana siblings change fully their mindset in the modern (now not so modern) time humans.

Specially opening up to Ryan, and soon enough to the crew at the line from the Southern Pacific railroad.

- Probably questions -

1- Why the year 1995?

As i answered at a comment from a couple of days ago, it was mostly to set apart from other fan fics with the Reverse Isekai tab, that mostly, and always take place in the 2020's. Even it was a minor detail as set it years behind.

Besides, if Gyutaro and Daki found out their suffering was part of both a manga and anime for the entertainment for humans, that they're not real, etc. It was most likely humanity was done for the same day they appeared.

2- Why railroads? Why putting it with a extinct railroad? why having trains involved?

Again, to set it up apart from other fanfics, its like everyone likes to be jobless teenagers with an infinite amount of money.

Besides, it was both part of the dream, and i like trains. A lot.

Why the Southern Pacific Railroad? a now non-existing railroad as of today?

I like the SP, so why not?

3- Why Ryan is not being a absolute chad and assert dominance like other fanfics?

1. He's using common sense, if you boss around the demons, let alone upper moons, consider yourself with now with leg and arm disabilities, probably. Just don't boss 'em around Jesus H. Christ, are you looking forward to get your arms broken or something?

2. He needs to know what's he's dealing with. He literally counter attacked against Gyutaro with facts and logics thanks to intrusive thoughts.

3. Food won't work. My guy, they're demons, and they don't know about Nezuko's ability and etc. Why force them to? its not like you can casually stop them from going out of your house and extend the city's missing people reports.

4- Will there be a sequel? the ending feels rough and unsatisfying.

Yes there will be, in fact a little too many.  I'm still sorry for the rough ending, but i couldn't find a better way to end this, hopefully there will be better character development for Gyutaro and Daki's redemption, as well as to know more about Ryan, and his past.

And lets just say there will be a little bit more of action... but for now.

You just have to wait. Patiently.

- Taisho Secrets / Fun Facts -

1- I was going to add some train pictures in some of the chapters, however due to my PC's hard disk dying and losing all the data, and the new hard disk i have ain't big enough for a 12GB Train Simulator game, i had to drop the idea sadly :< (-cough- there's pateron and Kofi for you to donate if you want -cough-)

2- I had some help in some of my chapters thanks to my friend "Nathan Artz" he's a good Demon Slayer fan, as well as from PvZ, you can find him in Deviant Art.

3- There was going to be a audio-ish adaptation from an Fandub Studio, Estrine Studios, however due to some IRL problems, the adaptation had to be paused, you can help them out by donating to their patreon.

4- Gyutaro and Daki are still amused by Ryan's nerve to stand up against them, almost reminds Ume to some of the old oirans back in the Red Light District.

5- They are still skeptical about giving humans a chance.

6- Ryan is having a mental breakdown, as he will have more time working then thinking possible ways to show how humans have changed along the way.

7- Gyutaro and Daki still don't know what the hell that diesel locomotive was.

Sadly this is all i could think of, sorry for being so lacking.

Anyways, this was the bonus chapter, enjoy your day.

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