Take Over (2)

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Ryan was, as calmly as possible, making himself a cup of water, as the 2 demons where simply staying in the living room, making themselves questions like:

"Should they stay in the country?"

"Leave the country to reunite their 'Master'? "

"Is there any remaining hashiras around?

" "Is there even any in this 'United States'?"

Most importantly, how did they got here? and why many decades in the future? how come humans are alive? did their "Master's" plans failed...?

They went on and on, as Ryan unintentionally interrupted their thoughts.

Ryan: Uh... um... you want... water...?
They both turned their heads to him same time, with the most dreadful glare Ryan has ever seen in his life.

Gyutaro: You looking to di-

Ryan: OK! got it! i- i- i'm just going to... eh...

He silently walked away to the kitchen table, he sat down in the chair, and just put his hand in his forehead, desperately trying to think of some way to escape from this humanoid monsters, as his entire body was shaking in fear.

Ume (in Ryan's flashback): And do remember... any attempt of escape... will be futile.

Gyutaro (in Ryan's flashback): If OUR patience runs out on you. Consider, yourself DEAD.

Ryan's spine shivered as his entire body was slightly shaking by remembering that. His gut telling him to not even TRY to do anything related with escape. He looked at the window, there was still night sky outside with the starts beautifully shining out.

He mentally sighed and took a sip on the cup of water, his hand still shaking. Now, how he will survive with these 2 monsters? that's both up to him and them.

Now another thing to worry about, is the fact he only had a week free from work, how will he survive the week? Even if he does, how bad will this affect on his work? his co-workers? friends? neighbors? he knows for a fact people might check on him for not leaving his house for a long time like a vampire.

Aside that, what will they do to him if they ask him to learn english and be successful on it? learn about the United States as a whole? and the other means of travel overseas towards Japan for any of their own reasons?

Will they get rid of him as he's no longer of use...?

Would they... kill him...?

It was near difficult to drink the cold water while his hand was heavily shaking of fear now, the more he drinked, the more harder he thought, the more harder he thought the more afraid he became.

As he finished drinking the water and putting the cup in the back where it was. He silently looked at the living room.

The 2 demons where missing, and the only window was closed with a curtain, so nothing outside could see what's happening in the inside.

Ryan was scratched his head in confusion, he looked at the only kitchen window just in case, was also closed with a curtain.

Ryan (in his mind): The fuck...? that wasn't closed before...

Ume: Now, listen here human.

Ryan jumped in fear as he looked behind him, with Ume and Gyutaro just standing there.
Ryan: Y- Yeah-...?

Ume: You will do everything we say you have to do. If we say you stand to your knees to us you do so. If we want you to stay shut for the rest day you do so, IF we ask for YOUR blood, you will give us the blood.

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