Night Walk (2)

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It was really dark and cold outside, the lights inside the house turned off, and the front door just opened.

As everyone walked outside, Ryan made fully sure the front door was completely locked.

Gyutaro and Ume walked up ahead, looking cautiously from side to side the entire nearly dark street downtown. As the lamps shined on the darkness.

Ume: Heh, so far, living with the peasants.

Gyutaro just nodded.

Ryan: So uh... you've been throught the city?

Ume: Barely, all we can say is, very shiny, interesting, but crowded, now thanks to you, we can see it better!
Ryan: Oh thats...
Gyutaro: And use that to our advantage on... stuff...

Ryan kept shut, maybe this was a bad idea? not that he had any option anyways.

They passed through the empty golf course, overstreet chandler, local restaurants, bigger restaurants, and multiple more sorts of places, despite not being amazingly interesting for Ryan, it was... curious for both demons. Certainly bigger then the red district they used to be in.

And they kept on walking, peacefully in the dark night, the demon siblings would stare and look at any passing cars and other people who where on their sight, but avoiding any interaction.
Certainly Ryan said about clothing did some good on them.

-- 8:45 PM --

After a very long walk, they where finally in Central City. And it was safe to say, despite both siblings being in a portion of the city before, they where still completely astonished at what they where seeing before them, Ryan just still struggled on understanding on why the long faces.

At last they maintained composure.

Ume: So. Human, what can you tell us about this place?
Ryan: Oh... well... its a city... its really hot here... ehm... is fairly known... eh... really not much i can say, is just like any other city, in any other state, in this country.
Ume: So there's more places like this???

She said surprised.

Ryan: Uhm... yeah, of course there are some exceptions like some counties but... in big cities, this is pretty normal. Yet charming on its own way.

Gyutaro huffed.

Gyutaro: Expecting from these... "flashy" places is the people with no home? the ones where wealthy, or decently stable people don't really care much about? The ones who have to bear from multiple things, having to fight and kill for a petty piece of bread? little girls forced to please the-
Ume: Brother...

Ryan just stared.

Ryan: Yeah there's problems with homelessnes... with fights i think there might be... but... the last part... i... well haven't heard of any really... not that i know of in this city.

Gyutaro: Oh the envy...

Gyutaro muttered silently.

Ryan: Though... sadly not much i can do about it... in my situation, best i can use my money for is for taxes, food, electricity, water, gas for cooking, and stuff like that. Still, its not that i don't share a dollar or two to a person in need.

Gyutaro (mind): Probably just a lie...
Ume (mind): Probably just a lie...

The three of them standed there, akwardly, as the cold breeze blew on them. Ryan, decided to break the silence.

Ryan: Uh... anything... else...?

Both demons remained quiet.

Ryan: Alright then...

-- At Ryan's house --

After hours and hours of the trio looking over the city including the tiniest of parts of it, it was time to go back home.
At last Ryan was glad to be back and immediatly opened the door as the demons where talking to each other on some plans...

Ryan let them go in first, they went in, as he closed the door.

Ume: Well this was certainly something, clearly, we're not in Japan, and we're decades later in time...
Gyutaro: So... what about our master...?
Ume: ... Ryan leave...
Ryan: I was going to sleep either way...

He said tired as he walked upstairs. Though he took his shoes off, and silently looked down upon as both demons spoke.

Gyutaro: Stop being so obnoxious of from him at least every single night!
Ume: But...! still if there's humans still standing after so long that means our master's...!
Gyutaro: Sis'! enough!
Ume: Okay... okay...
Gyutaro: I still wonder though, why did you wanted to explore the city in the first place? You feeling envy for 'em?
Ume: Just curious.
Gyutaro: You rarely get curious by something that's related with or made by humans that don't support on keeping your beauty.
Ume: Hey!
Gyutaro: What? its the truth.

Ume huffed.

Ume: Alright alright! i wanted just to see around how "advanced" these humans got, other then trusting this peasant's words.

Ryan (mind): Eh...- peasant?

Gyutaro: Uh-huh, like we did previously.
Ume: I just don't know okay...! without master... i can't just feel lost on direction... other then staying with you... How about IF we can settle here? Might as well continuing on master's dream ourselves.
Gyutaro: Wait... you-
Ume: IF he wanted to get rid of us by just this one thought, we'd be dead already... So... what do you think? care that we fulfill master's dreams ourselves? Create the so called "perfect world" and... take care of these humans once and for all?

Gyutaro pondered for a moment...

Gyutaro: Yeah, why not? Might be fun to do it with you.

Ryan was shocked by just hearing the answer.
Ryan (mind): Oh fuck... gotta do something...!


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