Take Over

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"People always say life is unfair... that they didn't deserve this or deserve that... however the only way to make it fair, is that YOU have to make it fair... destiny is not going to wait for you... but you have to be there in time on one way or another..."

Said a male voice, with mid american and italian voice. Ryan perfectly knew who it was... as he wasn't able to see anything. Pure darkness was around him.

It was his own personal mental bubble, when he has the feel to want to keep away from everyone and everybody, personal peace, with the nostalgic voices of the people he was on his youth...

"Say, what do you think we should do now with this... human...?"
Said a young female voice, as it interrupted his nostalgic memories.

"So far... i can't tell if he understood what we said earlier or not... lets wait for him to wake up... THEN we'll start with the questioning..."

Said a young male voice.

Ryan quickly felt like his mind was being invaded... being years on constantly hearing the same voices saying the same things again over and over again. He never heard these ones never before...


Ryan suddenly forced his eyes open, the room was mostly dark, but even that he got a glance of the 2 demons inside his room.

Gyutaro and Ume...

In panic, he tried to move, yell, anything, but he couldn't he was entirely tied up by... he couldn't tell what it was...

His body was completely covered in Ume's obi, excluding his eyes as he stared in horror at the 2 demons.

"Ara ara... a man living all alone in such a cozy house with no one to share... so envious..." "Hmm... it isn't THAT good enough anyways..."

Ryan (in his mind): Who... the fuck are they...?! WHAT ARE THEY?!Ryan struggled and grunted as he tried to force out of the obi, but to no avail. The obi tightened more as Ryan gasped silently in pain as he closed his eyes.

Ume: Can you understand us?

The tightening stopped, Ryan slowly opened his eyes.

Ryan (muffled): W-What...?

Ume: Can you understand us?! speak Japanese not whatever you're saying!

Ryan, frightened, hummed and nodded in agreement.

Gyutaro: Aah... finally one who can perfectly understand us...!Ume: Now then... Answer this... Where are we...?

She said with a stern voice. Ryan had a confused expression by the question.

The obi tightened once again, making Ryan silently grunt in pain.

Ume: Now. I want answers to our questions as soon we ask. You got that? Try to scream and it'll suffocate you to death...!
Ryan muffled in agreement.

Ume: Good...
The obi opened up for Ryan's mouth, he took a deep breath in and out as he was near to suffocate.

Ume: Now... where are we...?
Ryan took a moment of silence, he knew Japanese, though these two... things... where speaking fluently, they might or might not originate from them, and he barely spoke the language so it would be a slight problem.

Ryan: Uh... United Stateto...?

Ume: United... States...?

Ume was puzzled by this... she looked at his brother, was also confused by this...

United States...? isn't one of those western countries they heard from foreign people that went to the Entertainment District...?

Ume: What is your name?

Ryan: R-Ryan... Moore...

Ume hummed in interest.

Ume: Why are you alone?

Ryan: Wha- AUHG

The obi's tighten again.

Ryan: I- i... uh... i'm not married... W-why do you...?

Gyutaro: We ask the questions!

He yelled as he scratched himself deeply by hearing that.

Ume: What date is it?

Ryan: January 5th... 1995...

Both demons just stared dumbfounded and confused by Ryan's answer.

Ume: No... no i- that can't be it... we where just... what...?Ryan: I- i'm not lying i swear...! look at the calendar on my right...

Gyutaro took a quick glance at the calendar, he was right, it IS 1995.
Gyutaro: Are just... in the future...?

Ryan tried struggled to let himself out of the obi but he wasn't able to even flinch it. After both demons barely swallowed the hard truth they both looked at each other.

Ume: Maybe HIM could still...

Gyutaro: You think so...? if this is centuries later then why are humans still here...?

Ume remained silent as Ryan was trying to comprehend what they where talking about.

Who's that "Him" guy...? cleverly they weren't talking about himself... his thoughts where interrupted by the glance of the two demons.

Gyutaro: So... what shall we do to you...? [pointing at Ryan]

Ume: I think he would be usefull to get more... answers...

Ryan (in his mind): Oh fuck me that doesn't sound too good...Indeed it wasn't...


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