"Do something"

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Ryan's gotta do something about this... those words... he couldn't sleep... whatever they where talking about is obviously not good...


What can he do about it...? these 2 demons... they're almost unredeemable...

"Son, even a lion chooses to avoid its prey every now and then, not always, but there's always the possibility for, at least, a temporary change".

The man with the italian-american accent... again... if he would be here, he might even suck up those words back to the mouth they exhaled from.

But... is it possible...? He might not know fully their intentions... but is it possible to at least just... give some more time...?

Ryan didn't care for the rest of humanity... other but himself and his friends...




"C'mon, you lost ya family, ya lost ya wife, now ya gonna lose ya friends and then life by the hands of what? some pesky demons that kick your ass both physically and mentally...?"

The voice sighed.

"What a true downfall for Ryan 'All Solo' Moore..."

Ryan (mind): Oh shut up, you're just a product of my imagination.

"That's trying to make some sense of you to stop these paling brats!"

Ryan (mind): Right you got a point on that one...

"So what's it gonna be? stand down liking these guys' feet like some dumb found crack-smoking homeless man, or stand up, with balls of steel, and face them, maybe not  with fighting... but at least to make some sense to them."

Ryan (mind): Right... that's... gonna be difficult...

"C'mon man, we both seen it, the brother, he's too attached to her, and he's... at least to some degree... the smartest one. Tell him out to please not kill you or the entirety of humanity as a whole."

Ryan (mind): That's... gonna be difficult as well...

"You survived Alcatraz for a long time my guy, i bet ya will do just fine."

Yeah... yeah probably...

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