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Ryan woke up in his couch, he slowly got up as he turned off the TV, he went upstairs to his own bathroom to commence his day, he washed his face with a little bit of water, he stared at the mirror.

Only to see a middle age man, and obviously that middle age man, with Caucasian skin, looks tired in the eyes, has a long beard and that's 35 years old is him, he putted his glassed down and started brushing his teeth, later take a nice piss, wash his hands with soap, take his glasses back and left his bathroom towards his room.

Ryan: Now time to head to wo-... oh right i have the free weekend... now... what should i do today...?
Ryan pondered. He thought deeply what he should do in his unexpected day off...

Ryan: Oh i know...!
He simply went to his table that was near the bed, took a piece of note out, and started writing a bucket list.

- Get new clothes

- Buy groceries

- Clean dishes house

- Take a picture of SP 4449 or/and UP 844 (By July)

- Watch any new upcoming movie. (Tomorrow)

- Buy a new mower to take care of the front lawn. (Tomorrow)

- Buy a new computer. (Tomorrow)

Ryan: Hmm... i think this is it... well...
He put the note down, went to the closet to change, his ex-wife was right, he doesn't have a lot of clothing in any way.He took what was less dusty, being a simple shirt, some jeans and a black leather jacket, and took his own gym-like bag, he walked back to the table, grabbed his wallet followed with some coins, dollars and his credit card, next with his ID and his car keys as well as the note.

He walked downstairs and went to the kitchen, opened the fridge with not much in it, quickly served himself a glass of water, he looked at the dishwasher, it was full of dirty plates. He made a quick breakfast with simple toast with little peanut butter, he didn't used a plate as he didn't wanted more dirty dishes, he would later deal with that at the end of the day.

He walked to the living room, looked and looked around, it was a really comfy house... perfect for a married couple... he brushed those thoughts off and took his house and garage keys, walked to the garage, he got in his car and opened the garage door, as he was slowly driving out he took a glance to his own lawn, it was growing a lot.

As the pickup truck got out, he closed the garage door and drove off from the active neighborhood.

5 minutes later he already made it to the streets, he just finished buying a lot of products itself and food that would last for a month and now he was looking forward with new clothing.

Radio: In other news, there's been a recently reports of missing people, being around 4 missing persons, 17 year old Tanisha Abrahms, 23 year old Michael Wilkins, 45 year old O'neil Juarez, and 15 year old Kin Wan-Ho. At this current time the families have no commentaries for us...

The news reporter kept on talking as Ryan was listening carefully and paying attention at the road.

Ryan (in his mind): People going missing...? Yikes...

Ryan's only though on this as he drove down the street.

-Meanwhile down in the sewers-
Gyutaro and Ume thought the best place to hide from the sun was in this underground place that they heard the humans call "sewers", hearing the humans walking and talking around followed with the loud noise of the cars, so far Ume is the least enjoying it.

Ume: Ugh... out of all the place's YOU think is best to hide... is this place that constantly smells of shit in a single place?

(Complained Ume)

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