Chapter for updates on the sequel

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MAY 1st, 2023.

This extra channels is, well as the title suggest, for any type of updates regarding this fanfic's sequel, so stay tuned mostly in this.

So far ideas are ringing on my head however i don't know witch sounds the best.

Should Ryan bring up Gyutaro and Ume / Daki as new Southern Pacific employees to work on the railroad? or bring them as (fake) family members that want to be with him since he can't afford for a babysitter?

I prefer the first one more, but i don't know about you. If there ain't no comments about that (witch i mostly expect :T) then it'll just choose the first one.

So far, the general plot of this is for Gyutaro and Ume changing their views on humans as its the 21st century, things obviously changed, but Ryan thinks its best to experience that with his co-workers, witch may be the last thing he'd ever expect to do.

And a good portion of the fanfic will be taking place in the railyard that was in Chapter 1. Being Southern Pacific's Mcall Yard. As well as showing there is genuine humble ways to gain currency without turning to crime, or letting other to *AHEM* touch *AHEM* your body, and other things that are easily questionable.

Still, what i plan to do with it its still Work In Progress. However, i've already managed to make a new cover picture for the fanfic, as well as the title of it, witch i made it myself using Microsoft Train Simulator.

 However, i've already managed to make a new cover picture for the fanfic, as well as the title of it, witch i made it myself using Microsoft Train Simulator

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So yeah, that's pretty much it that i can share, any ideas will be appreciated and credited for.

As well as opinions on this.

- NatsuDB

MAY 12, 2023

Planning on rewriting multiple of the chapters due to grammar and other stuff, still planning for "Demons on a Railroad".

I may or may not include Trainz Simulator pictures for this fanfic as well as its sequel, however since i yet don't have it at this time it isn't possible.

Also, there will be an official audio adaptation of this fan-fiction made by me and voiced by 2 friends being; Nathan Artz (Search him in Deviant Art) as Gyutaro and Abratastic Art (search her in DA) as Daki / Ume, meanwhile it'll be taking the role of Ryan and any other possible male character in this fan-fiction. Extra female voice actor still not found for the news report.

MAY 23, 2023

Rewrites are bound on the fanfic as it shares full similarities with the audio adaptation, along with some extra chapters that i should've added in the first place (Witch i apologize for).

So consider the rewrites the reloaded or just full experience edition, that along with the audio adaptation.

Demons on a Railroad is still W.I.P, had to pause it due to university work.

August 02, 2023

Holy shit this arrived at 3K views, thank you so much! i'm still fairly overwhelmed a lot of people are taking their time to watch my very flawed take on these 2 characters that i still like a lot!

Just to be known the sequel is kinda on hiatus, as i'm really busy on IRL stuff, as well as i want to continue with other of my works in Wattpad that i left unfinished like Raccoon City Incident, An Officer's Tale, Trains vs Plants and such. But rest assured it ain't cancelled, you shall be given Gyutaro and Daki shenanigans on a rail yard of the former Southern Pacific Railroad.

Best thing i can give away is that they're gonna meet a bunch of people with fairly different personalities and attitudes that may change the duo over time, including from Ryan (witch i will also develop this man rather then being used as an excuse of a tool for the duo), as well as various events that don't usually or usually happen in railroads in North America.

Other then that, i'm just extremely thanked that you guys still watch this fanfic to this day, that just makes me happy as hell.

So anyways, wait patiently for now, and cya!

P.S: Might rewrite, and extend a little this fanfic for the moment to fix some of the flaws, though is it alright as it is on your guys opinion? leave a comment if you'd like but it'll do my own thing when i have the chance.

- NatsuDB

September 9th, 2023 - Gyutaro Voice Actor Call

The sequel is in hiatus so i can make way for other stuff i'm making in Wattpad as well as stuff IRL, but no worries i still have the plans fresh in my mind.

Though for the audio adaptation, i'm true need of a Gyutaro VA since the last one is having sever problems in real life and i don't want to bother them.

If you have what it takes to be the Gyutaro VA for the audio adaptation of this fanfic, please, do send me a private message in Wattpad, so you can send your Discord account and stuff so we can both DM things out, and you can send your lines of dialogue.

The lines are purely just the Gyutaro dialogue in the prologue.

It'll be waiting.

- NatsuDB

October 8th - 2023

Its out.

March 27th - 2024

Might rewrite this out as i've improved somewhat in writing, would've started better on the new fic rather then this one as a good ol' comedy but ah well, lessons we're learned.

Really didn't had any idea with this fic when i started it, just made it out of fun, but will be giving a more satisfying "Redemption" aspect with the possible rewrite.

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