Night walk (1)

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As Ryan was eating breakfast, both demons where just watching, still in awe, at the TV, they've been watching... Tom and Jerry...?

Ume was constantly laughing loudly from the random actions from the episode, as Gyutaro just let out a couple of chuckles from now and then.

Ume: He can't catch him! the stupid cat can't catch him...!

She said in between, her voice was cracking loudly, like she took every last breath from her lungs to laugh.

Gyutaro: Yes i can see that sis... i can see PFT...!

He tried not to laugh loudly at a comical scene.

This went on and on till the episode finally finished and another program was reproducing.

Ryan just breathed in and out calmly, as he took the plate and his cup and washed them. Till he heard Ume call from the couch.

Ume: Oi...! When's the next time this "show" starting?
Ryan: Uh... i ehm... don't really know actually... i don't watch that channel that much.
Ume: Oh...
Gyutaro: Maybe something more interesting might be on another "channel"?

Gyutaro got up, and started changing channels randomly, learning how to use the controller.

He went on and on changing channels randomly. Up until suddenly he started changing a few channels back to a, specific one.
A news channel was reporting yet again the disappearance of 4 citizens from the city of Phoenix, now reporting from being missing 2 days ago.

Reporter: There's still no new reports from the 4 missing people being. 17 year old Tanisha Abrahms, 23 year old Michael Wilkins, 45 year old O'neil Juarez, and 15 year old Kin Wan-Ho. Police are still investigating but there's no leading evidence for any whereabouts of these people. Their families left many comments worried about them-

Ume: Hey... isn't those people we've asked before...?

Ryan's eyes widened in an instant.

Ryan (mind): Wait... are they responsible...?! No...! it can't it must be a coincidence...!

Gyutaro: Huh... they are! Humans DID changed a little bit more then we expected... caring for people that aren't even related... huh...

Ryan (mind): Oh... my... fucking... God... not only they are demons... they're responsible for...! Ok calm down...! keep it calm just...! keep it calm Ryan... calm down...

Ryan was sweating heavily, tension hit him really hard as he finished cleaning his plate and cup. He didn't dared to go to the living room at the moment and stayed at the kitchen.

Gyutaro: Eh. Whatever...

As soon as Gyutaro muttered that he changed of channel, yet again looking something to waste some time in exchange for some entertainment.

-7 minutes later-

Ryan finally got out of the kitchen, and just watched as both demons just kept watching TV, like their eyes just got glued to the screen.

Ryan (mind): Good... at least they wont focus on hitting me...

He thought to himself as he started walking upstairs till...

Ume: Ryan.

Ryan flinched.

Ryan: Yes...? hime...?

Ume: Blood now.

Ryan (mind): Fuck.

Ryan went down and to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, the demons walked up to him, he made a simple cut through the palm of his hand.

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