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Gyutaro: Say what again?
Ryan: Just eh... ya'know man time's change and people do... at times... you see-
Gyutaro: Oh we know you where listening us the whole time, we just didn't simply mind a lot.
Ryan: I-
Gyutaro: Listen here you pesky, petty, low-life, human. Humans my sister's and my life's into absolute *hell*, humans used to ask me to beat people up just for money, humans what used my young but beautiful sister for their own... physical pleasures... humans are what killed my sister in the most painful way possible...

Ryan only stood, unphased, with fear but still standing his ground.

Gyutaro: What makes you *think* that we'll give you guys another chance, just because "times changed", "people change", "different because we're in another country", its most likely just facade, deep down things would never change.

Ryan: C'mon ma-

Gyutaro: You know it'd always feel envy you people, always having the things you need, yet you always ask for more, haven't you?
Ryan: Well... in all honesty... i have what i need... other then well...
Gyutaro: What?
Ryan: Nothing.
Gyutaro: What was it?
Ryan: Nothing important... look man i- just- you feel envy for the average citizen right...? well... you have it right here. Right here, right now, in this house.

Gyutaro was a little... surprised by what Ryan said.

Ryan: No need for envy no more if you have what you need. C'mon man, it'd be an absolute waste.
Gyutaro: What is-
Ryan: Please just... i know it sound very unlikely for you, trust me i've been in a... almost similar position.
Gyutaro: Don't compare your worthless life with mine.
Ryan: Right then... but i mean... the feeling of wanting to take everyone with you? craving for things that you want so badly, yet not noticing that you have it right in front of 'em?

Both paused and kept quiet for a moment.

Ryan: Pal'... i mean... you envy for things you never had... right...? you have 'em right here pal'.

Ryan says while gesturing the whole house.

Ryan: You now have a house, you now live in the United States of America, the land of dreams, the land of freedom, will you waste that opportunity even in your current state?

That question, surprisingly, hit Gyutaro hard in his mind.

Sure, he always said about envying for things even the middle class citizen has for the rest of his centuries long life, but at the same time trying to live with other humans... deep down it make him sick.
From what he had to live through, from the dangers he had to teach and help his sister from. He said to himself, if he wants to reincarnate, he'll always choose Gyutaro... but reincarnate already as Gyutaro in another world where he finally has the chance they never had back in the day?

Hmph... this human... Ryan... Gyutaro now will think about it... surprisingly...

Ryan: Consider it somewhat of a redemption. Maybe.
Gyutaro (mind): A redemption...? Huh... funny...


Nightfall, Ume finally returns after looking for a nice place of her beautiful choosing to stay for the new start on the master's plan. However, both Ryan and Ume's brother where just sitting on the couch, both looked at Ume as she entered.

Ume: Onii-Chan! i finally chose a good place to stay for us! as well as for everyone in this modern time to look an absolute beauty from the old times!
Gyutaro: Sis', we need to talk.

The air, for a moment, felt tense.

Ume: About what?

She said, now with a upset look.

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