Change of plans

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It was another heated morning in Phoenix, Arizona, the birds where chirping, dogs barking, people doing their chores, kids going out for school, adults going to do their work.
And Ryan was roughly stomped into his own couch while Ume was waiting for him in it.

Ryan looked around, the living room was a small mess, he could immediately tell that both of them where completely loitering his entire house. Though his thoughts on them was interrupted by Gyutaro walking to the TV.

Gyutaro: Hey... what's this glass window box thingy...?
He blankly said, poking at the TV.
Ume: Yeah! we tried to use it and it just made a loud noise and just showing a weird thing on it!

Ryan just stared in confusion for a couple of minutes.

Ryan: Uh... um... it's a TV...
Gyutaro: A tv?...

He said, with a confused look in his face.

Ryan: Ya'know... Tele-vision...?

Both demons just stared in silence.

Ryan: Uhh... screen that shows stuff...?
Ume: Of course we know it can do that, baka!

Ryan sighed, put his hand in his forehead, he got up and turned the TV on, and changed of channel, showcasing a news channel transmitting a report.

Both Gyutaro and Ume where visibly amazed that Ryan knows how to use the TV
Gyutaro was just staring at the screen, nearly in awe.

Ume: Ooooh, it's like moving pictures...!
Gyutaro: Maybe this "technology" isn't bad after all...

Ryan: Well... Welcome to the future... I guess...
Ume: what else can it do?
Ryan: Uhh... Change channels for other uhmm... more Moving pictures...?
Gyutaro: I see...

Ryan keept quiet, just starting at the door.
In witch Gyutaro easily noticed.

Gyutaro: You're not planing to leave are you...? because I'll gladly poison you...

Ryan's eyes widened for a moment.

Ryan: UUUH N-N-NO! Don't w-worry i-i won't...!
Ume: Ahh... Now thats a good boy...
Ryan: I'm 35...
Ume: Did You just...
Ryan: Fuck... Sorry! Uh... hime...!
Gyutaro: Hmp... I'll let it slide.
Ryan: T-Thanks...!

There was a short awkward silence, the silence was broken by a annoyed tone coming from Ume.

Ume: And the bow...?
Ryan: What?
Ume: The bow!
Gyutaro: yes bow before us...
Ryan: Uhh... [tries to bow] Sorry i don't know much about uh... The japanese culture other then the language and stuff...
Gyutaro: Then learn.
Ryan: Ho-... [abruptly silent]
Ume: You were going to Say something...?
Ryan: Nothing... Hime...
Ume: S-so uh... You uh... Hungry...? I can make You breakfast and coffe... I-if You want...

Gyutaro: Demons can't eat human food....
Ryan: Wait what...? demons...? So wait... you are demons...?
Gyutaro: Yeah, couldn't you tell how we looked? [he chuckles], get that through your fleshy head.

Gyutaro blankly said as he slightly butt-headed Ryan. Hurting him in the process.

Ryan: Ahg...! fucking...! auhg... -rubs head-
Gyutaro: heh...

Gyutaro smirked as he chuckled.

Ryan: How... was i supposed to know that...?
Ryan: Is it somethin' from Japan? eh?
Gyutaro: I guess....
Ryan: I mean... if i may ask... what are demons exactly? like... you 2 for example!
Ume: -tilts head while glancing back-
Ume: Hmmm... should we tell him? he's not going to last once we don't need him...
Gyutaro: eh go ahead and tell him...
Ume: Basically, us demons are basically immortal human eaters, we grow stronger every time we eat you humans, we're faster then you, stronger then you, we don't need to eat human food, we can't die by diseases, we can't die by getting hurt. We're basically better then you in any way!

Ryan, was shocked and confused at the same time.

Gyutaro: Expected that reaction...
He said with a smug.

-10 minutes later-

Ryan was simply sitting it the couch in the middle with Ume to his right and Gyutaro on his left, he, for the most part, explained a good portion of the last years evolution on technology, culture, among other things, and explaining how different the United States of America is different compared to Japan, mostly by the year comparisons.

Ume: Alright so... we're in "Unitedto Stato of America".
Ryan: Uh-huh.
Gyutaro: We're in 21st century... 70 something years in the future...
Ryan: Yep.

There was a awkward silence...

Ume: Oni-san, we have to talk. Alone.

Both demons looked at Ryan, and he understood immediately.

Gyutaro: Remember. We will know...

Ryan just gulped. As he got up and climbed up the stairs, he pretended to get in his room by opening and closing the door. He watched and listened closely at both demons words.

Gyutaro: About the discussion about the master...
Ume: There's no way he could've lost...! succumbed to these... these humans...! There's no way...

Ume exclaimed like a immature, almost stupid, child.

Ume: He said it...! he said it... he...
Gyutaro: We're the last ones left... maybe... we should continue his vision...

Ume looked at her brother.

Ume: Didn't we said all those years ago that we weren't interested fully into...
Gyutaro: I know... But with the master dead... and... probably we're the last demons left on this dammed world with humans... I think its pretty understandable why we should do it...
Ume: What about the Slayers? Do you think there's any remaining left?
Gyutaro: I doubt it... 78 years... that's good enough for them to die out of time... and probably not even worry to teach their kids about our existence or even train them...

They both remained quiet. For a moment.

Gyutaro: We shouldn't stay trusty though... remember the last time... when we...
Ume: Yes i got it...! Its settled then... we'll full fill master's orders even if he, probably, isn't here...

Ryan was in a mixed thoughts of interest and concern.

Ryan (mind): Who's this 'master' guy...? I bet hes the boss of these 2... or maybe of other demons... or an army of them... but by their statements... i believe he failed on whatever he was planning to do... -mental sigh- Oh god why you have to make this new year worse...


(Author note: Sorry that i took 2 months just to make this short chapter, but was really busy and blah blah personal stuff, still, hope you enjoyed and waited patiently for this chapter, and the next ones.

P.S: Also some credit to Nathan Artz for helping me out with this one.)

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