Chapter 5

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Louis' POV

Taylor and Harry left. I heard a beep from my phone and knew I got a text, so I pulled my phone out. I saw that it was from Liam, so I opened it and read:

Liam: sry, but u should c this.

Next to it was a picture of Eleanor kissing some man with brown hair. She's cheating on me?

I replied:

Louis: where u get this?

Liam: took it myself when saw it happen

I couldn't respond to his text. I just couldn't. And yet, I texted Eleanor to ask why.

Louis: what's w/ this pic?

I sent the picture too.

Eleanor: I'm so sry. Should've told u sooner. I think we should break up

Louis: k. u <3 him?

Eleanor: yeah

Louis: good

Eleanor: Thx

Even though I wanted to be happy for her, I was having a hard time doing so. I felt tears water up in my eyes. I put my phone away, now crying harder. I cried until it seemed like I had no tears left. Now it was 12: 26 am. My cheeks were damp from all the crying. But, inside, I felt numb.

Soon, there was a knock on the door. I walked to it, wondering who would knock at this time of night. I opened it and saw a girl around Harry's age with wavy, blonde hair and beautiful, blue eyes.

She said, "Hi, I'm Celia Snow, your new neighbor. You?" She had an American accent.

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson."

"As in from One Direction? You ok?"

I nodded for both questions.

"You sure? You seem sad, and you look like you've been crying." She placed her hand on my cheek, drying it.

I forced a fake smile, nodding.

"You're lying. What happened?"

I sighed. "I-I'm fine."

"That's a lie. The truth, please?"

"Fine. My g-girlfriend, she broke up ..." I couldn't continue as my voice got choked up in my throat.

"She broke up with you?" she guessed sympathetically.

I nodded. She pulled me into a hug. I normally would've been crying, but it seemed as though I couldn't cry anymore.

She said soothingly, "Shhh... it'll be ok soon. I promise," while rubbing my back.

Her words, plus the hug and rubbing, calmed me down and I pulled away.

She smiled to cheer me up. I smiled back for some reason.

I said, "Can you come back in the morning? I have roommates I want you to meet, but they're asleep now."

"Kay. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."


"Sweet dreams, Louis."

I smiled as she left. Then I closed the door and went to my bedroom. I threw myself on the bed, but I couldn't really sleep. It must've been hours before I finally fell asleep.



I hope you enjoyed this part. Thank you to everyone who has read this. Feel free to vote or comment.

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