Chapter 25

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Taylor's POV

Harry and Louis smiled at me. After a brief moment, I thought I almost saw a little sadness in Harry's eyes, but I guess I was imagining it. 

Harry then spoke, "I'll be back, guys."

Louis and I nodded, letting him go.

He walked out, maybe just a bit too eager.

I asked Louis, "Does Harry seem a little off to you?"

"No. Why?"

"No reason," I responded, pushing my worries aside. After all, Louis knew him better than I did. "I'm gonna go for a walk, enjoy London. Can you tell Harry I left?" 

"Sure. Bye!"


I walked out and began walking around when I saw...him. Devin. He had a bandage around his head. What happened? Is he ok?  His very intimidating brown eyes met mine. I felt terrified upon seeing them. Is he gonna kidnap me again?

He strided over to me. "You lucked out, Swift. I don't have the equipment right now to take you back. Instead, I'm gonna make you a deal."

I stammered, "Wh-what is it?"

"By July 1st, you give yourself in to me, and I'll spare Harry."

"I-if I don't give myself in?" I didn't really wanna know the answer.

"I'll kill him. That simple. Deal?"

I took a deep breath. "Deal."

"You promise?"

I swallowed. "I pr-promise."

"Then I'll see you soon."

I flinched as he left. What have I done? I'm an idiot.



I hope you enjoyed this part. Sorry if this part is a bit short, but it just worked best by itself. Thank you to everyone who has read this. Feel free to vote or comment.

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