Chapter 33

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Taylor's POV

I went to Harry's room and eagerly knocked on his door. Maybe that was a mistake...

I heard a groan, and then footsteps approaching me. Harry opened the door and looked surprised to see me.

Harry asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you. Is that a problem?"

He smiled. "No, of course not. Wanna come in?"

I smiled back. "Yeah! I mean, uh, that'd be great, thanks." I'm coming off as too eager, aren't I?

He smiled again. "I love you, baby." He let me in.

He closed the door behind me and sat down on his bed. Being used to his messy tendencies, I ignored it and sat down next to him. I probably sat down too close since our sides were touching, but he didn't say anything.

He turned his head to me, and I found myself staring at his green eyes. I let my eyes look at his perfectly pink lips. I wanted to kiss them, but I remembered that he was busy.

"Harry, Zayn said you were busy. Am I interrupting?"

"No. It's fine, Taylor. It can wait."

"Are you sure? I wouldn't wanna stop you."

"It's fine, love.  I'd rather spend the time with you."

A smile formed my lips. "Ok."

He started to lean in but stopped. Is he gonna kiss me? He started to lean in again yet stopped again, as he got centimeters away from me. Just kiss me already.

He murmured, "Sorry, I don't want to be rude, but..."

I smiled, kissing him myself. He relaxed into the kiss and ran his hand through my hair before letting it slide down my back. His hand was like a bolt of lightning on my back, igniting flames where it went.

I put my hands around his body and felt his body react under my hands. He pulled his face away against my wishes and tilted it to the side, kissing my neck. It felt so amazing that I wanted him to feel the same way. I slipped my hand up his shirt, running my hands along his slouched spine.

He pulled away much to my disappointment, looking surprised.

He asked quietly, "What are you doing?"

"You don't like it?" I started to pull my fingers out.

"No, no. It's not that. It's just... that we're never done anything like this before."

"Do you not want me to?"

"No, it's fine. I was just surprised. Sorry."

I smiled at his kindness. "It's fine."

Now he gave me his perfectly charismatic smile. Then he leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back as he pulled me closer. Finding no other way to get closer, I climbed onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around me, seeming not to care that I was sitting on him. 

I pulled away much to his disappointment now, and pulled his shirt off over his head, placing it beside us. I looked at his chest and couldn't help but see all of his sad, beautiful scars.

I traced his largest scar, murmuring, "You're beautiful. Remember that."

"Thanks, Taylor. I'll try."

I smiled before kissing his lips again.

Suddenly, he pulled away. "You're beautiful too. You shouldn't forget that either."

I smiled. "Thank you, Harry."

He nodded. "Sorry. I keep interrupting. I'm overthinking this. I'm sorry."

"You didn't have to apologize. It's fine. Let's just continue."

He nodded, clearly reassured, and pulled me into a kiss again. I melted into his kiss, running my hands up and down his chest. I can feel his chest heaving under my touch and loved the effect that I was having on him. One of his hands slid up my shirt, burning my skin. He ran his hand up and down very gently, which really made my heart race.

He pulled away to take off my shirt and toss it aside carelessly. I caught his green eyes, dark with lust, staring at my breasts and smiled.

Wanting to feel his tanned skin on mine, I pressed my body up against his. His breathing hitched, and he wrapped his arms around me. I did the same, rubbing his back as well. He made eye contact with me, but his eyes seemed a bit glazed over. He ran his hand up my back very slowly, as if hoping to have a big effect on me, which, if that was what he wanted, he succeeded. 

He rested his hand on top of the clasp of my bra for a couple seconds before fumbling to get it open. Once he did, I helped him get it off. I once again caught him looking at my breasts. His hand touched it very lightly before pulling his hand away and pulling me into a hug instead. I melted at the feel of his bare skin on mine. I rubbed my torso up and down against his for a moment before pulling back to see his reaction. 

His eyes were becoming increasingly darker with lust, his jaw was slack, and he was breathing extremely rapidly. Loving how easy it was to get him like this, I stroked his torso up and down slowly to keep his heart racing wildly.

It was then that I realized how sexual our make-out session became. I quickly got off of him, surprised by what happened. He looked surprised as well.

What have I done? I probably just messed up my relationship with Harry forever.



I hope you enjoyed this part. Thank you to everyone who has read this. Feel free to vote or comment.

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