Chapter 9

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I was so surprised to hear that she loved me that I almost missed her getting up.

She said quietly, "But I know you still love Eleanor, and that's ok. Bye Lou."

She left before I could say bye. Why didn't I stop her? Why does the idea that she loves me make my heart beat faster? Do I love her? No, I couldn't possibly. Even if I did, dating her would just push her away at some point. It did with Eleanor. I'll probably make her hate me. I'm not good enough for her, and I never will be.

I left my room and returned to the living room where Celia was about to leave.

I said, "Wait! You can stay."

She turned to me. "Really?"


She smiled, making me smile.

Harry's POV

I woke up and looked at the time. It was 1 pm. Whoa, I slept for a while. I walked to the living room and saw Celia, Louis, Taylor and Eleanor joking around.

Taylor noticed me. "Oh look. The sleepyhead finally came out."

Louis, Celia, and Eleanor looked at me and laughed. I smiled at Taylor for the nickname.

Taylor joked, "I wonder if he was sleeping so long, that he forgot how to laugh."

Celia and Eleanor continued to laugh.

Louis joined in, "Well, he was sleeping for 11 hours. I personally blame his curly hair."

Taylor laughed. I tried not to laugh, but it was hard.

Celia teased, barely able to not laugh, "I think you're right, Taylor."

Taylor laughed, "Told ya."

Louis and Eleanor laughed. It was really getting hard not to laugh.

Celia added, mock-sad, "I'm so sad. Now we'll never hear his laugh again. It's too soon. He was so young." She sank to her knees and fake cried into her hands.

I almost laughed, but held it in.

Taylor also fake cried into her hands.

Louis said to me, "Look what you're doing to these girls. Eleanor can't even speak."

I almost laughed.

Eleanor said, between laughs, "I don't ... know ... what you're ... talking about."

Louis laughed. I couldn't contain it anymore; I laughed.

Celia jumped up. "Yay!"

Taylor picked up her head and silently cheered, making me laugh more.

Louis said, barely managing to be serious, "Look what you did to him, El. You broke him. He's gone."

Eleanor and I laughed harder. Celia and Taylor joined in first, followed by Louis. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I could laugh harder.



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