Chapter 31

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Devin's POV

I went outside of my 'home' and decided to explore the city I was in, like I enjoy doing a lot.

Unfortunately, my day was ruined when I saw the way everyone looked at me. Like I didn't belong here. Not that I wasn't used to this. It always happens to me. That's probably why I don't have any friends. That and I tend to ruin potential friendships with my violent tendencies.

Actually that's what happened with Taylor. I was having a really grump morning, like normally. Taylor said something innocently that I found offensive. I started to hurt her, causing her to cry. Unfortunately for her, crying is something I don't know how to respond to other than by lashing out more.

It was on that day that I knew she wouldn't be the friend I always wanted.

 I always find ways to ruin relationships, it seems. I did it with Louis. And Harry. When I threatened their lives. They probably don't even know that I'd never actually kill them. That I was bluffing. That I didn't even have enough bullets in the gun to even do so.

Someone walked over to me. "What are you doing here?" I immediately recognized the British accent.

"Why can't I be here? Is that a problem?" I asked.

"Hell yeah! You don't belong here, American." He was strangely against Americans for some reason.

As always, I acted on my impulses and shoved the guy so hard, he fell to the ground.

"Don't mess with me or I'll do it a whole lot worse." I knew that I said that, but it felt like I was someone else listening to my voice say that.

The guy ran away like a chicken with his head cut off. I sighed. I did it again, ruined another relationship.

It doesn't seem like it'll ever stop. Which is why, despite me being 37 years old, I've never had a friend: 

I wish I did.

Jake's POV

I decided to go out and torture someone, so I took one of my 10 guns and went outside. I saw a young girl casually sitting there, hid my gun in my clothes, and went over to her. She looks easy enough to mess with.

I said, feigning innocence, "Hey, can you help me, miss? I'm lost."

She looked up at me and stood up. "I'd love to help. Where are you going?"

"The airport."

"Come on. I'll show you the way."

That was easy.

I followed her until I saw an alley and pulled her down it, confusing her. Smirking to myself, I pulled my gun out, which terrified her.

Before she decided to scream for help, I shot the gun. The bullet landed right where I wanted it to, her heart.

She collapsed on the floor, eyes and mouth wide open. That was too easy.

I went out to hurt someone who would make it less easy and more fun.



I hope you enjoyed this part. This chapter was provided for you, so that you can get a little more insight on the villains for this story and determine for yourself who really is the villain here. Thank you to everyone who has read this. Feel free to vote or comment.

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