Chapter 13

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Louis' POV

Harry and Taylor walked out of the room. After moments of silence, I watched Zayn and Melissa kiss. It was very passionate, and they both clearly enjoyed it. I smiled, and, figuring it was rude to watch them, looked away to give them privacy.

I let my mind wander. The first thing I thought of was Celia. And her lovely, blonde hair in waves, and her bright, beautiful blue eyes. Always filled with joy. I also thought about the way her smile lit up her flawless face. Her enthusiasm for things. Her compassion for me. How she always treated me better than I deserved. The way she could make my heart race faster. Just everything about her.

Suddenly, I heard Niall say, "Hey mate, what's goin' on?"

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Nothing. Why?"

"You were like lost in your thoughts. Why's that?"

"Just... thinking about someone."


"Celia," I admitted.

"So you like her?"

"I... I don't know. I'm confused."

Niall retorted, "I think ya do."

I said softly, "Whatever."

He smiled. "So you admit it," he teased, childish as ever.

"Didn't admit to anything, Nialler," I teased back, but sombered up when I saw what was going on with Zayn and Melissa.

Zayn's POV

I was looking at Melissa, wondering why she was staring at me with her big, brown eyes. I watched her lick her pink lips, and, suddenly, I couldn't focus on anything but her lips. I found myself leaning in. Soon, our faces were so close, I could feel her breath on me; I couldn't concentrate at all anymore. Her lips touched mine lightly, and suddenly, I lost self-control. I kissed passionately, pulling her closer. It was more passion than I've ever kissed anyone before in my life. She ran a hand through my hair, and I pulled her so close our bodies were sculpted to each other. Her other hand touched my cheek, making me want her more.

But, my subconscious snuck its way in, making me realize what we were doing and that we shouldn't do this.  I pulled away from her lips, leaving us out of breath. She looked at me curiously, as if wondering what just happened.

I said softly, "Sorry."

"It's ok. You're a great kisser."

I smiled humbly. "Thanks, Melissa."

"Of course. I really, really mean it, Zayn." 

It warmed my heart to hear, but I wasn't prepared to be feeling attraction to someone else so quickly after my break-up with Perrie. Nervously, I said, "I-I have to go."

"'Oh.  Ok." I could hear the disappointment in her tone. "Will I ever see you again?"

I hesitate. "Uh...I don't know. Maybe."

I turned to leave. 

Louis must've been watching us, because he said, "I'll walk you out."

 I nodded. We walked to the door in silence.

"Bye mate," Louis said somberly.

"Bye. Please tell Taylor, Harry, and Niall I said bye."

"Yeah, of course."

I nodded. He opened the door, and I walked out.

Why did I kiss her?



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